One Nation, Under God
Susan Billmayer of Turner-Hogeland received an award from the Montana Federation of Garden Clubs at Missoula for her long-time devotion to the Blossoms Club and others. She has devoted her time and knowledge to making things better for over three decades. Congratulations Susan and keep up the good work. We need all the beauty we can get.
Services were held for long-time resident Joe Rattey on Saturday.
We have had some really dry-hot days this last week. The highest reading that I looked at on my thermometer was 102. Too hot anyway!! Too hot to be out in it. Be very careful if you must be outside for long.
Linda Vulk drove her sister, Teri Leys, to Missoula for her treatment on Friday as she could not drive after surgery. Their mom, Dora Henry said she had to return to Missoula on Monday for further tests.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to all having a birthday or anniversary this week.
I understand both the Haubrick house, and the Bear trailer have been sold. Be nice to see more people in town and the houses full again.
Life is a child playing round your feet, a tool you hold firmly in your grip, a bench you sit down upon in the evening, in your garden.
Have a good week and watch yourself in the heat.
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