One Nation, Under God

Malta Public Schools Hires New Activity Director

Malta School Board Chairman, Carter Clausen introduced Desiree Egger as the new Middle School/High School Activities Director, and she will also be teaching a few P. E. classes.

Her husband, Dave, is the new Malta Elementary School 4th/5th-grade math teacher. He taught for two years in Harlowton, MT, and 24 years in Ten Sleep, WY. They have three children, Braxton is 10, Kyle is 8, and Nixon is 6. Desiree has been teaching for 15 years, one year in Brockton, MT, and 14 years in Ten Sleep, WY, before coming to Malta.

The Board approved an employee's request for a one-year leave of absence, to be revisited again next year. After the employee declined a closed session Chairmen Clausen asked Melissa Dunbar if she would be willing to substitute during her leave and she stated she is willing to come in and help as needed, even on a once-a-month basis if necessary. She will also be willing to fill in for the other office staff and her replacement if needed.

Trustee Meneely asked if MPS needs her help via telephone could she be compensated for that time; Clerk Jane Knudsen stated she would be paid as contracted. Board meeting guests were in consensus that Melissa will be missed during her leave, along with all the M&M's and chocolate she kept stocked in her office for staff!

The board also approved the new Bus Barn Buy-Sell Agreement. Clerk Knudsen reported that the new agreement states that the school will be repaid their earnest money if the "deal" falls through. She also said the appraiser from Wolf Point and the only appraiser in our region, has put the bus barn on her schedule, so hopefully, this will be completed soon.

Chairman Clausen stated that due to the MTSBA not having a quorum at their annual meeting they had to send out their membership ballots to be voted electronically. Board members present, Chairman Clausen, Superintendent Matt Genger, District Clerk Jane Knudsen, Trustees Justin Lamb, Scott Meneely, and Jessica Oyler, went through each MTSBA of the 13 items voting approve, against, or abstaining.

The board voted no on the Distance Learning item and when it came to the items of voting for the MTSBA President and Vice President, Trustee Meneely said, "I tend to abstain if I don't know somebody, and not say anything rather than cast a ballot and then get someone I don't want."

All board members agreed they did not know the people up for those positions, so subsequently took Meneely's lead and unanimously abstained from voting on those two MTSBA items. The board approved voting for Curtis Melby, Havre, for Region 2 Representative.

Other action items included the approval of 2022-2023 Contracts, new coaching staff: Volleyball-Jessica Pankratz, MS Football-Kalen Wiebe; and part-time cook-Kandace Oshio.

Approval of Out-of-District Attendance Agreements: one group home placement and two to attend Glasgow Public School.

Bus routes were approved. Next year's bus routes were tabled so more information on the North and South Wagner routes can be confirmed.

Superintendent Genger reported that the Zortman school had been vandalized around the end of June. Windows were broken, doors were damaged, and the vandals had let off fireworks inside the school building. He said that they have boarded up and sealed the windows and doors to deter further vandalism at this time.

At the MREA summer meeting, Genger stated that the whole state is facing the teacher/administration shortage issue. The attendees brainstormed on possible fixes that other communities are trying, but he said, "It's (the shortage) going to get worse before it gets better. There are not a lot of candidates coming out of the University system, plus there is a lot of competition with other states for those that are."

In Superintendent Genger's report, he said he went through ALICE training, an intense professional active shooter, and violent intruder training geared towards schools and businesses. He stated that the ALICE drills will help to alleviate angst and anxiety in violent situations. He also said that he will notify staff of previous drill protocol updates and changes.

Genger said that Malta will start the ALICE training drills this upcoming school year and he will give monthly updates. He stated, "I am really glad that I went to this training."

Genger said the sprinkler system is up and running. Repairs were needed due to sprinkler mains bursting from being frozen.

The last item discussed was the issue of the birds gathering, "dive-bombing" students, and defecating at school door entryways. After throwing ideas back and forth, it was decided they will call FWP for ideas.

The next regular Malta School Board meeting will be on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Malta Middle/High School Board Room.


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