One Nation, Under God
Greetings from Whitewater, Montana! Mark Lageson went to Minnesota to see family.
Get well wishes to Mike Frietag of Whitewater and all who are sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Reichelt and baby of Aurora, Colorado, are here visiting at the home of Kurt and Janice Reichelt. They hosted a dinner. Sally Austin, Gale Young and I attended. The dinner was delicious, Chinese cuisine. Evie (Henry’s wife) cooks specialty dishes, many from Ethiopia, her home country. Baby Skyla is adorable. She is learning to walk, so adorable!
The Milk River Gospel Jamboree was held all last weekend. I went Sunday and met my friend Irene Wendalyn from Chinook. We had dinner first and then went to the gospel jamboree, which was fantastic. The music was beautiful! There were musicians from many different places, Minnesota, Canada, Kansas, and others. There were family groups with children, all so talented, each singing and playing instruments.
Recently, Dallas Green and family went to Billings on business.
Jeanie Green carpooled to Fort Belknap for Bingo, “Good Luck to them.”
Like many people, I really enjoy TV, (Dish) and radio, mostly enjoy local KMMR. The radio auction is on now and its fun!
We had a drought, but it was relieved by a wonderful rain. However, it was preceded by thunder, lightning, and wind. The storm just rocked the whole Whitewater Valley! It was about midnight, so it really lit up.
Maybe God was playing with Fireworks early!!
Happy July 4th, 2022
Helen A.
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