One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sympathy to the family of Ruth Flansaas (Carol Lumbsens) is her daughter.

The following is the opinion of Mrs. Austin: Sympathy to adorable baby calves, who are branded and operated on without any anesthetic etc. It is cruel. Write to Peta- Professional and Ethical Treatment of Animals. I’ll get the address for Montana.

Get well and good luck to Bob and Pat Anderson, now living at the Hi-Line Retirement Home.

Also get well wishes to Dorrine Brown-(Jay Brown’s sister), formerly of Whitewater.

Congratulations to Lyn and Eunice Simonson on their 50th wedding anniversary!

Simonson’s had a great party at Forks Hall. The Hall used to be our stomping grounds years ago. The party was well attended, a lunch and cake were served.

My sister Janet Brown and Holly Brown from Billings visited on Monday. It was so good to see them. We had lunch at the North 40 Café. Gale Young came to eat lunch also.

It’s vacation time, many families travel to visit.

Kenny Reichelt and Alaina Cole and family and others have been home to visit family.

Hope you all had nice Father’s Day.

Congratulations to Allie and Sue Olson on their anniversary. Also, to all June birthdays.

We have had beautiful spring weather, but now is windy and chilly here in Whitewater. Maybe it will blow in some rain for us.

Note: Do not go to Yellowstone Park as it is flooding, most of the park is closed.

Sympathy to all affected by the flooding, and or lost someone.

Have a Safe weekend.

As Always, Helen A.


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