One Nation, Under God
Another spring week with very strong winds and little rain. I have faith that the rain will come! I just hope it’s in time to make some grass grow and give the prairie a good drink! The migratory birds seem to be a bit slower to show up this year. Some are trickling through though so it’s always a treat to see them!
A huge congratulations to the songsters from Whitewater school. They earned a 1 on the pieces that they did at state festival!
I’m still in the Rehabilitation Hospital of Montana in Billings doing rehab therapy on my leg. I’ll be out soon. I’m very thankful to the Lumsdens for taking such good care of Buster!
Also thank you to the board members who have taken up the slack since I haven’t been able to work at the GPDM!
Janice Erfle came over to visit me on Mother's Day. She is always good for a chat!
My Mother’s Day visitors also included my sons and parts of their families and my sister. So I actually had a very good day even if I’m in the hospital!
Trey Simanton finished my new ramp on the west deck! It will be a surprise for me when I get home! Rod said it looks good! So thank you, Trey!
Hopefully, I’ll be home soon and ready to receive callers! My knee still hurts, but as someone else said about knee replacement,” It’s a different kind of hurt.” And soon it won’t hurt at all!
Not much local news, farmers are seeding, getting ready to brand their calves, and praying for relief from drought!
Be kind!
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