One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, March 2, 2022

It is surprising how a couple days of sunshine and the horrible wind can change the landscape so fast. The ground that was white is now brown again and there is not even hardly any water standing around any more. My son at Laurel said they had 7 inches again so were having to shovel everything off. Sunday we were hit by another horrendous wind--it even roared a little.

Most of the basketball is over so cross country kids will soon be seen out running. At least it is beginning to warm up for them

Pete James seems to be doing well with his new pace maker. We wish him more good health and recovery.

Remember Ash Wednesday is March 2nd so Lent is starting. Easter is the 17th of April this year.

Birthday greetings to all having a birthday and congratulations to all having an anniversary.

Integrity is telling myself the truth.And honesty is telling the truth to other people.

Have a good week, greet everyone with a smile and hope our warmer weather continues.


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