One Nation, Under God

President's Day, More than just a Holiday

The first president, George Washington, and the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, had several similarities: they both wanted to free the slaves; their fathers passed on while the future presidents were quite young; their education was limited to three years or less; both fought wars for their country.

Washington was 11 when his father passed away and that was the end of his schooling as the father was his teacher. The family could ill afford young George to attend school in England.

As Washington aged, he began to abhor the institution of slavery but chose not to act on it until close to his death. History does mention he attempted to free his slaves in 1794, by selling off and leasing much of the estate in order to raise funds to make emancipation possible, but the scheme fell through. Washington did have his estate help provide for them later, establishing the freed slaves in their new lives. His wife, however, owned her slaves from her first marriage and didn't share her husband’s feelings towards slavery. She kept her slaves until her death in 1802, then the slaves became the property of her children. Historians think he didn’t take a strong public stance against slavery as he felt that it would split the nation he had so recently fought to create.

The holiday honors Washington who created the first military badge of merit for the common soldier. The Purple Heart Medal (revived on Washington’s 200th birthday in 1932 and bears his image), is awarded to soldiers who are injured in battle.

Lincoln’s formal education was three brief periods in local schools, as he worked to supplement the family’s income.

President Lincoln, a self-taught lawyer, was a vocal opponent of slavery. He served in the Whig Party as an Illinois state legislator in 1834, serving only one term, and returned to Springfield after that.

Lincoln felt forced back into politics when Douglas, a Democrat had pushed through the Kansas-Nebraska Act, stating each territory be able to declare themselves free or in slavery. This resulted in many debates between Douglas and Lincoln, with each debate making Lincoln more popular.

He ran for the presidency and won carrying his belief forward that “a government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free.” He argued for the passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing slavery which passed as the 13th Amendment, ironically, after Lincoln was assassinated.

As you enjoy the three-day holiday, cherish the hard fought freedom our nation at times takes for granted.

-Sharon Kindle

Patriotic Chair, VFW Post 4067


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