One Nation, Under God

Phillips County Sheriff's Report for January 5, 2022

A Portion of December 15, 2021 through a portion of December 20, 2021.


If you are planning on using Trafton Park shelters for an event in the future, please contact the Malta City Office, 654-1251, to reserve the shelters, get the key and pay for the electricity. The Phillips Co Sheriff’s Office will no longer be handling this. Thank you.

All fingerprints that are needed for CWPs, schools, licensing or anything else are done from 9am to NOON every Wednesday.

Concealed Weapon Permits:

New and renewal applications for Concealed Weapon Permits may be picked up at the Sheriff’s Office anytime. Once approved, you will be contacted to come in on Wednesday between 9 AM and noon for fingerprints and photographs.

All fingerprints that are needed for CWPs, schools, licensing or anything else are done from 9am to NOON every Wednesday.

Check out our website: and our Facebook page, Phillips County Sheriff’s Office. Our Facebook page does give reports of scams and other important information as needed to get to the public.

Several calls have been received requesting road reports. Please remember to call 511, 1-800-226-ROAD (7623) or use these websites: or

December 15, 2021

6:35 p.m. PC Hospital requested an ambulance for a flight crew pick up from the airport, transport to the hospital and back to the airport with their patient; local EMT Crew handled the call.

9:13 p.m. Deputy performed building security checks in the downtown Malta area.

9:49 p.m. Female reported her neighbor’s dogs were barking incessantly for several hours and were out in the cold; Deputy responded to the call; owners located and dogs put in for the night.

December 16, 2021

5:46 a.m. 911 received requesting assistance for a motorist who ran out of fuel south of Malta; Good Samaritan gave the individual a ride to town and back to the vehicle with fuel.

8:38 a.m. Local business requested law enforcement assistance to remove the male transient; Sheriff responded to the call; male located at a different business and advised, again, to move on.

9:11 a.m. Local business reported an abandoned vehicle across from their business and wanted it removed; information passed onto City employee for the vehicle to be tagged for towing.

11:00 a.m. Local convenience store reported the male transient was harassing customers and would like him removed; Sheriff responded to the call; male taken to the Malta Depot to wait for the train’s arrival; ticket was purchased by a Good Samaritan.

2:05 p.m. Female reported a vehicle driving slowly and had its hazards on; traveling eastbound from the Wagner area; Sheriff responded to the call; no vehicle with hazards on located.

8:15 p.m. Male requested law enforcement assistance with a situation involving a juvenile being harassed and threatened; Deputy handled the call.

8:24 p.m. Male reported a westbound vehicle with flashers on, on Hwy 2, west of Dodson; information passed onto Ft Belknap LE.

9:39 p.m. Female requested law enforcement assistance with threats to take property belonging to the caller received from a family member; Deputy responded to the call; caller advised situation was a civil matter.

December 17, 2021

1:20 a.m. Male requested law enforcement assistance for an intoxicated pedestrian; caller later reported family showed up and law enforcement was not needed.

1:32 a.m. BNSF Police reported a train had struck a vehicle parked on the tracks near the Frontage Road; unknown if the driver was inside; Deputies, local EMT Crew and FD responded to the call; vehicle located west of Malta near the trestle bridge; case file started.

2:34 a.m. Deputy located the driver from the vehicle/train accident and transported one adult male, Hawkan Haakanson, to PCSO to be incarcerated in PCSO Jail on DUI, Criminal Endangerment, Criminal Trespass, Disorderly Conduct and Creating a Hazard charges; male later transported to Valley Co Detention Center.

2:58 a.m. Sheriff requested a tow truck for the vehicle involved in the above situation; local towing company responded to the call.

12:53 p.m. 911 received requesting an ambulance for a male who couldn’t move his feet; local EMT Crew responded to the call; patient transported to the PC Hospital.

3:19 p.m. Female reported a deer being attacked by a pack of dogs in her neighborhood; Deputies responded to the call; deer located and humanely euthanized; dog owner located and issued citations for Dogs at Large.

7:43 p.m. Anonymous reported a vehicle spinning broadies in the Trafton Park area; Deputy responded to the call; vehicle located and drivers advised.

9:08 p.m. Deputy performed building and residential security checks in the Saco area.

11:16 p.m. Local tavern requested assistance for an intoxicated male outside of the business; Deputies responded to the call; male found to have a ride home.

11:48 p.m. Kenco Security reported a commercial burglar alarm at a local business; Deputy responded to the call; all found to be okay.

December 17, 2021

12:07 a.m. Female reported a possibly missing juvenile and a possible house party; Deputies responded to the call; juvenile later located at another residence and returned to their residence.

2:28 a.m. Deputy performed building and residential security checks in the Dodson area.

8:47 a.m. Kenco Security reported a commercial burglar alarm at a local business; Deputy and business manager responded to the call; all found to be okay and alarm reset.

December 18, 2021

2:58 p.m. PC Hospital requested an ambulance for a flight crew pick up from the airport, transport to the hospital and back to the airport with their patient; local EMT Crew handled the call.

3:31 p.m. Female reported two dogs running loose in a residential area; Deputy and ACO responded to the call; dogs located and owner issued a citation.

9:26 p.m. Deputies performed building security checks in the downtown area.

9:41 p.m. Anonymous reported a house party with juveniles in the Saco area; Deputies responded to the call; no juveniles located at the reported residence.

10:25 p.m. Deputies performed building security checks in the Saco area.

December 19, 2021

11:39 a.m. Local convenience store reported a fuel drive off; Undersheriff responded to the call; information passed onto Ft Belknap LE.

2:04 p.m. 911 received requesting an ambulance for a male having trouble breathing; local EMT Crew responded to the call; patient transported to the PC Hospital.

8:07 p.m. PC Hospital requested an ambulance for a flight crew pick up from the airport, transport to the hospital and back to the airport with their patient; local EMT Crew handled the call.

December 20, 2021

12:18 a.m. Deputy performed building and residential security checks in the Malta area.

8:01 a.m. Male reported a two-vehicle accident in a residential area; Undersheriff responded to the call; case file started.

11:19 a.m. Female reported she had been assaulted by another female in the Zortman Post Office; Undersheriff responded to the call; case file started.


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