One Nation, Under God
Happy New Year 2022!
A brand-new year, let’s hope and pray that 2022 will be better than last year.
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? If so, they are made to be broken!
I hope you all had a nice Christmas, I did!
Whitewater school had a Christmas program on Monday the 13th. It was about Santa’s reindeer. It reminded me of when I was in the 6th grade. I was supposed to memorize and recite the entire poem titled “'Twas the Night Before Christmas”. It was about the reindeer, anyway, I got halfway through the poem and my mind went totally blank. I simply panicked and forgot it all. Now years later it isn’t important anymore.
The schools are all on Christmas break. There are no ballgames until Jan. 2022.
Here in Whitewater area, the ranchers are all busy feeding cattle and hauling hay.
It is cold with snow. Ranchers and farmers deserve credit for all their hard work.
In 1940 and 1950, work was even harder. Hay was hauled on racks, led by horses. Now they have tractors and machinery to make work easier.
Now most people have good cars. Back then most families (including ours) did not have a reliable car or truck. Well times change, for better or worse.
Note: If you have any news, call me, or send a story.
Helen A.
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