One Nation, Under God

Bank of Malta Continues Santa Night Tradition

The Bank of Malta held its Santa Night on its traditional first Monday of December, the 6th this year.

"We were really excited to be able to have our Santa Night again this year," said Bank of Malta Branch Manager Jackie Sorlie. "We were sad when Santa couldn't come and meet the kids last year."

Santa Night is a tradition that has been going on for close to 25 years according to Sorlie. "I've been here for 19 years, and it was a tradition when I started back then."

The bank welcomed between 200-250 kids and adults this year. They came to get a picture with Santa and tell him everything they want for Christmas. Some, like Owen Ost (pictured), come prepared with their list, as to not forget a single thing.

Another part of Santa Night that has become tradition is the "Cookie Lady", Gina Lamb. She has been making cookies for Santa Night since 2003. Over the years, she has made dozens of cookies for everyone to enjoy while visiting with Santa.

"I was saddened to learn Santa would not make his annual visit in 2020," said Lamb. "Being asked to provide 14 dozen cookies for this year has been a highlight for me. I'm not sure if I was more excited to do the cookies again or to see Santa himself and have my children's picture taken with him for the 23rd year in a row!"


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