One Nation, Under God

Letter to the Editor for Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Family looking for answers from 1981 Cold-Case

Dear Readers,

15 year old Barbara Louise Cotton disappeared from Williston ND on April 11th 1981.

She may have been in Scobey within a couple days however it doesn't seem likely that she would have left home willingly.

Stacey Demarr Werder was 21 in 1981. He was a drifter from Yreka, California. He stood aprox. 5ft 8in tall, brown hair, slight mustache and beard. He had an 8 inch surgical scar that ran vertically from his naval to his sternum. Stacey Werder is the main person of interest in Barb's disappearance.

It was reported that Barb may have been with him at the Pioneer hotel in Scobey a few days after she disappeared.

Stacey was arrested on June 12th 1981 and held in the Glasgow jail for 10 days (this may have been related to an incident at Fort Peck). Stacey was later arrested in Malta, Montana on July 15th 1981 and unfortunately, he hung himself in jail that night.

Stacey's friend "Red", possibly Red Sullivan or C. E. Sullivan was likely around Stacey's age (21 in 1981 / born around 1959) was with him when he was arrested in Malta and they likely were traveling together.

Red was described as tall, slender and had blonde hair.

We think he was possibly from California as well. After Stacey's death, Red brought Stacey's belongings to his mother in CA.

It would be wonderful if this inquiry could get shared in Montana, North Dakota and California so that maybe we can find Red if he's still alive.,

- Schiele Jo Lisa

Cherry, Minn.


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