One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Sympathy to the family of Alice Anderson (Bob Anderson’s sister-in-law).

Ryan Olson Dart Tournament and Auction was held at North 40 on Saturday. It was well attended and many prizes during the auction were given out. Many dart players from other towns also participated. Proceeds go towards educational scholarships for seniors.

Get well wishes to Dixie Stordahl and all who are sick.

Visitors at Marjorie Olsons were Nancy Olson (her daughter) Tessa, and baby girl from Missoula, Montana.

Congratulations to the Whitewater runners and all sport participants. Basketball season is starting. There were four basketball games with Dodson on Tuesday.

“Hello” to Justin Austin who came to help ship cattle at the ranch. They must ship so many cattle because there is no hay. Many ranches are in a sad situation. Sympathy to all affected by drought.

To All Doctors: Why can’t you be like “old times” Doctors, who accepted butter, eggs, meat and/or vegetables for payments?

At the local grocery stores, many items are scarce, the shelves are empty, it is too bad.

Here in Whitewater Montana, it is still dry ground, however, snow is predicted, (snow is a dirty word).

The leaves have turned yellow or already have fallen.

The geese have gone south, also the birds, (but some flies still survive).

Take Care

Helen A.


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