One Nation, Under God

Memories for Wednesday, October 13, 2021

10 years ago-


October 12, 2011

He’s back, 23 years later, walking for hospice

Twenty-three years ago, Colin Skinner remembers it was cold and snowing hard when he walked into Malta sometime during November in 1988.

“The weather’s slightly better now,” he said last Thursday, as he made a return visit to Malta.

Twenty-three years ago, someone let him sleep overnight at the Phillips County News.

Last Wednesday night, he spent the evening in the Malta Lutheran Church.

Skinner, whose home is in the community of Deal, located near the famed cliffs of Dover, in southeast England, is still walking to raise awareness of hospice care, facilities that take care of the seriously and terminally ill.

His first journey in 1988 took him across the U.S. He’s also walked the length of England twice and now he’s back finishing a second journey across the U.S. he started in 2009.

M-ettes take top three spots at Harlem meet

The Malta cross country team placed runners in the top three spots to claim the first place team score with 24 points at the Harlem Cross Country Meet on Saturday.

Nicole Arnold easily sailed to a first-place finish and ran her best Harlem meet time of her school career, 19:58.

The trio of Rebecca Smith (22:24), Josie LaFond (22:28), and Heather Mavencamp (22:56) ran in a competitive group of girls who went back and forth with lead changes.

Showing at the Villa

The Help starring Emma Stone and Viola Davis


25 years ago-


October 9, 1996

Human skull found at reservoir

Glenn Broughton of Seeley Lake was spotting elk Saturday south of Malta when he came across a human skull near a cut bank on the edge of a reservoir on the Offerdahl place. Low water in the reservoir had uncovered the skull. No other bones were found.

Sheriff Gene Peigneux said the skull has probably been buried in the area for many years and may belong to an early-day homesteader or Native American. It is being shipped to the crime lab in Missoula where it will be turned over to an anthropologist for an official determination of its age and sex.

Malta whips Scotties 59-12

Malta continued its domination of conference opponents with a somewhat surprising 59-12 shelling over Glasgow last Friday at the Scotties’ Dog Pound.

Having his best game of the season and leading Malta was senior running back Mike Morris, who ran for 242 yards on 18 carries, and scored five touchdowns.

Fellow running back Jeremy Otteson also had an impressive game rushing the ball as he netted 141 yards on 12 rushes and two touchdowns.

Defensively, the Mustangs were as dominating against the run as the offensive unit was with it giving up just two net yards on 36 carries.

Showing at the Villa Theatre

First Kid starring Sinbad


50 years ago-


October 21, 1971

Valley Motor Hit By Burglars

The Valley Motor Supply Company in Malta was burglarized last Thursday night for the second time in less than a year.

E.L. Seel, the manager, said that losses were expected to be in the thousands of dollars in this latest theft. Stolen were welding torch kits, all stereo player units and tapes in the store, large numbers of hand tools and toolboxes, and other miscellaneous articles. Seel states that every day they notice some other items that are missing.

When Seel arrived at the front door of the store shortly before 8 a.m. Friday morning, he could see that the store had been ransacked and he immediately notified the city police, the sheriff’s office, and juvenile authorities.

The steel back door of the building had been pried open.

The store had previously been burglarized in December 1970, when stereo equipment and tapes were taken. Some of this merchandise was returned when an anonymous phone caller said it had been left in the lobby of the post office.

The sheriff’s office reported early this week that they had no leads in the case.

Melcher Here Next Friday

Congressman John Melcher will make his first visit to Malta since his re-election a year ago on Friday, Oct. 29.

He will discuss the effect of the President’s wage-price policies on Montana at a no-host luncheon at Rogers Supper Club at noon. The luncheon is open to the public, according to Mrs. Adam Koss, chairman of the Democrat Central Committee.

Candidates for the Constitutional Convention will be present.

“I want to give a report on economic outlook particularly for agriculture and Montana main street business,” Melcher said.

The congressman’s talk about the economy freeze and Phase 2 will be timely. Following the recent creation of two policy-making groups of the Cost of Living Council, the Price Commission and Wage Board, Melcher suggested to President Nixon that representation from agriculture, the nation’s largest industry, be included among the 22 members of the two bodies.


75 years ago-


October 10, 1946

King Size Carrot Raised In Malta By I.J. Iverson

When it comes to raising big vegetables, Phillips County is second to none, I.J. Iverson of Malta claims. As proof positive, he sites a five and one-half pound carrot and two watermelons of 24 and 25 pounds each, he raised in his garden this year.

The carrot, now on display in the News window, measures 29 inches from tip to tip, is 4 1/2 inches in diameter, and has a 10-inch root. The king-size vegetables received no special care, he said. They just dug in and grew.

Ecton Wages Fight Against Communism

Gallatin County State Senator Zales N. Ecton, a republican nominee for United States senator, told Phillips County citizens Saturday, that the federal government’s deficit financing program will if continued, lead the nation into bankruptcy, and “nothing would be more pleasing to communistic elements that are infiltrating the government, for national bankruptcy leads to revolution.”

Senator Ecton, accompanied by Mrs. Ecton, arrived here Saturday afternoon for a street corner meeting and a dinner for members of the county republican organization. The Ectons were the guests of Senator Fred Robinson. They visited Dodson on their way to Malta, and from here continued to Glasgow and points east.

Showing at the Palace

Gilda starring Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford


100 Years Ago - 1921

- The fish and game commission, composed of Thomas Marlow, chairman, C.A. Jakways, secretary, E.A. Wilson, J.L. Kelley, J.A. Tressler, and H.C.Crippen met at the clubhouse of the Milk River Valley Gun Club and transacted business coming before the commission.

- The first meeting of the Malta Woman’s Club will be held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J.F. Kilduff. Mrs. Ray Campbell, president of the club, and Mrs. Kilduff will be hostesses.

- At a meeting of the members of the American Legion, it was decided to celebrate Armistice Day with an old-fashioned barn dance.

- The Malta Commercial Club was given credit for its efforts in the satisfactory settlement of the water dispute with Canada in regards to the Milk River.

- Robert Mayes, a 65-year-old cattle rustler, who had for years made his headquarters along Beaver Creek, pleaded guilty to a charge of grand larceny before Judge C.D. Borton. He received a two to four-year sentence at Deer Lodge. County Attorney B.P. Sandlie prosecuted.


118 Years Ago – 1903

- Andrew Veseth’s two-year-old son suffered painful burns on his left wrist and arm when he upset a cup of scalding hot tea.

- Work was commencing on Monday on William Mayberry’s new brick livery stable. The building will be 35 by 100 feet.

- Information that a sheepherder by the name of John Dye had shot John Mottner out at Morgan Creek, had just reached Editor Smiley of the Enterprise.

- Adolph LaFond Jr., wife, and six-year-old son were confined to their home with typhoid fever.

- A rumor was in circulation here that Christmas Moran was shot at Maple Creek last week, but it has not been confirmed.


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