One Nation, Under God

FWP hires new warden in the Glasgow area

Hunters and anglers out in the field this fall may see a new friendly face. Wyatt Pickens was recently hired as the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks field warden in Glasgow. Pickens will be covering Valley County and sharing working the Breaks districts (631 and 632), Fort Peck Reservoir, and the Missouri River with Warden John Huberty.

Pickens, originally from Colorado, holds a bachelor's degree in Fish and Wildlife Management from MSU-Bozeman, where he was a Warden Trainee during his senior year. Prior to being hired in Glasgow, Pickens was the area warden in Forsyth for two years, serving Rosebud and Treasure counties, along with the Custer National Forest. In addition, he also worked as a Traveling Wild angler educator and was a communication and education intern in Region 6 for one summer.

"I'm excited to be working and living in northeast Montana," said Pickens. "I spent a summer here as an intern, and really liked the area, people, and outdoor opportunities. I look forward to being engaged with the hunters, anglers, and other outdoor recreationists in northeast Montana."

Pickens enjoys big game hunting and fishing, and partners in upland bird and waterfowl hunting with his Chesapeake Bay retriever, Pancho.

To contact Warden Pickens, call his cell phone at 406-263-0067 or email [email protected].

Pickens joins a full team of wardens in Region 6, including:

-Brady Murphy, field warden, Havre area 406-230-0811.

-Andy Matakis, warden sergeant, Havre 406-262-2407

-Shane Reno, warden captain, Havre 406-262-3113

-Haden Hussey, field warden, Chinook area 406-942-2191

-Dirk Paulsen, warden investigator, Chinook 406-230-2277

-Ben Morin, field warden, east Malta 406-654-7630.

-Chase Sanderson, field warden, west Malta 406-263-0620.

-Todd Tryan, warden sergeant, Glasgow 406-557-7166.

-John Huberty, field warden, Fort Peck area 406-263-0068

Wyatt Pickens, field warden, Glasgow area 406-853-7800

-Ryan Linder, field warden, Flaxville area 406-263-0660.

Report violations- please report any hunting and fishing, trespassing, vandalism, or other criminal activity you see to 1-800-TIP-MONT (1-800-847-6668). The 1-800-TIP-MONT program is a toll-free number where one can report violations of fish, wildlife or park regulations and dispatch will get in touch with the warden your area. Callers can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward up to $1,000 for providing information that leads to a conviction.


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