One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Sympathy to the family of Wink Cole of Dodson. Get well wishes to Pat Murdock, she writes the North Country News.

Last week there was a funeral for Anita Brown, (Gene Brown's wife of 40 years). Following the service, he had a family dinner. Janet Brown (sister), Janet’s 4 children, Carol, Gene, Kelly, Glen and spouses, Gale Young (my daughter), Janice R, Sally Austin, Jeanie Green, and myself. Diner was held on a café patio in Billings. It was a great get together.

On July 5th, we had a nice surprise, Janet’s son Gene Brown came to Malta and Whitewater! We had a dinner and a nice visit at Jean Greens house. Jay Brown also was a guest for dinner.

Justin Austin and his 2 sons were also in Whitewater. They sure are growing up, their names are Atlas and Archer. The boys are so handsome, they also helped Justin and Curt Reichelt, work cattle. Whitewater Baptist Church had vacation Bible school and a “Tent Revival” every night of the week. There were Pastors and people from South Carolina helping with the revival. They were all welcome!

Whitewater is so dry and there are no crops. Some farmers are just plowing their crops up to use as fertilizer, this is so sad. Sympathy to all who are affected by this drought.

It is so hot in Montana, one or two days here in Whitewater we had over 104 degrees.

Stay cool and have some lemonade!

“If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!

Helen A


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