One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The hot dry weather continues and is forecast for the next week at least.

Zack and Sarah Cole left for their new deployment in Seattle this week.

Kids are still running and training in this heat----really dedicated to staying in good shape.

Velyma Broadhead returned home on Sunday after visiting family.

They are still preparing the older school living trailers for removal so the new ones can be placed.

Work has been slowly resumed on the little house being built on the former Legion lots. Rafters are almost all in place.

The 4th of July is creeping up fast---have a fun-filled safe celebration. Lots of things are planned again despite COVID. Have a safe one!!

Birthday greetings to Pete James and Matt Cole and all others celebrating another "big" day. Happy anniversary to all having an anniversary this week.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

Enjoy your week----stay safe.


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