One Nation, Under God
10 years ago-
June 8, 2011
Dog License, Photo Required in Dodson
Say “cheese” when applying for a dog license in the town of Dodson.
Dog licenses are due and payable by July 1, but that’s not all.
Dogs must be brought to the Animal Control Officer, Terri Cole, where they will have a picture taken with their owner for future identification.
All dogs must also have proof of rabies vaccination.
Those who do not license their dog and it is found running at large will pay a fine of $25 for the first offense.
Vicious dogs will not be tolerated.
Orahood, Partner Qualify for Finals
Frankie Orahood, Malta, along with her partner, Haven Meged of Miles City, have qualified for the 2011 National Junior High Rodeo Finals in the ribbon roping event.
They were second in the average at their state finals in Hamilton held June 3-4, and placed second overall for the year.
The finals will be held in Gallup, N.M., from June 23 to July 2.
Showing at the Villa
Something Borrowed starring Kate Hudson
25 years ago-
June 5, 1996
School Site Vote Deadlocks at 724 Yes, No
As improbable as it seems, Tuesday’s school site election in the Malta School District ended in a dead heat. With all the votes counted (unofficially), the yes votes were 724 in favor of the proposed Riverview site and the no votes were 724.
No one will know who won until the Malta School Board meets to canvass the vote totals. If that still produces a tie vote, then there will be a mandatory recount. If the totals still stand, the school board will have to decide whether to go back to the voters a second time with the same site, a modified version, or a different site. Or they could decide to build on the old school site (without expansion).
Malta’s NeVille Qualifies for State Track Meet
Malta 12-year-old West NeVille qualified for the Hershey’s State Track Meet with gold and silver medal finishes in the Divisional meet June 2 in Havre.
Competing in the 11-12-year-old division, NeVille won the 800-meter run with a 2:45 time and was runner-up in the 400-meter dash with a 72.0 clocking.
The state meet will be held on June 15 in Billings.
Showing at the Villa Theatre
Flipper starring Paul Hogan and Elijah Wood
50 years ago-
June 17, 1971
Local Trackmen Did Well at Great Falls Meet
Malta was well represented at the Meet of Champions track and field competition at Great Falls last Sunday evening as a trio of Mustangs, Duane Walker, Craig Stiles, and Bill Cole, placed high.
Stiles won the javelin event, throwing a distance of 214’10” after returning that day from Chicago, Ill., where he had won the javelin event on Saturday with a 231’ mark in the All-American Prep meet.
Walker earned places in four events, placing second in the discus, third in the shot put and high jump, and fifth in the javelin.
Cole placed third in the discus.
Silver Dollar Order Forms Soon at Bank
Forms for the public to use in ordering proof and uncirculated Eisenhower silver dollars will be available at the First State Bank on Friday, June 18, it was announced this week by R.H. Ulrich. Orders for the new coins cannot be sent in until July 1. The cost of the uncirculated dollars will be $3 each, with a limit of five coins per order. The proof coins will cost $10 each and the limit is also five per order on these.
(FYI - The estimated value of these coins in 2021 is $18 for the uncirculated and $20 for the proofs)
Minimum Wage and Hour Law Goes Into Effect July 1
State Labor Commissioner Sidney T. Smith Sunday announced the establishment of several regulations designed to clarify some sections of Montana’s new Minimum Wage and Hour Law.
It provides a minimum wage of $1.60 an hour except for farm workers and seasonal student employees.
For farmworkers and students employed at an amusement or recreational establishment that operates on a seasonal basis, the hourly wage shall be $1.20 for the first year of the act, $1.40 for the second year, and $1.60 thereafter.
The labor commissioner said employers may pay more than the minimum wage but the regular rate cannot be less.
He added that when an employee works more than 40 hours in a workweek, he is due at least one and one-half times his regular rate for each hour over 40.
Showing at the Valli Drive-In Theatre
M*A*S*H starring Donald Sutherland and Elliott Gould
75 years ago-
June 6, 1946
Thief Returns Loot Taken From Dyrdahl Home In Malta
A tin box containing about $1,000 in bonds and $100 in cash, reported stolen from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Dyrdahl in Malta, was returned unopened after the local law enforcement officers started an investigation.
The box was taken from the house where Mr. Dyrdahl was staying alone, his wife and other members of the family having gone on a trip. The house was unlocked at the time. Sheriff R.L. Campbell reported it was found in a building on the lot after a probe had been started and he believes the officers were getting too close for the thief’s comfort.
Legion Juniors Win Three Games In A Row
The Malta Legion Juniors made it three wins in a row Sunday when they defeated an inexperienced Wolf Point aggregation by a score of 20 to 1.
The winning streak started May 26 when the local Legion Juniors defeated Glasgow 16-2 and Saco was defeated by a score of 14 to 5 at Saco on Memorial Day.
Simanton and Veseth have been the Malta battery. The boys will play Poplar at Poplar Sunday, June 9
The Malta Legion Juniors look good and a successful season is being predicted for them.
More County Men Discharged From U.S. Armed Forces
The following Phillips County men have been discharged from the armed forces recently, according to information released from the local draft board:
Hector J. Durocher, Myron E. Veseth, James Adams, Clinton K. Farrar, Edward L. Matton, Clinton D. Brown. Oscar J. Guttormson, Harry C. Patterson, James E. Hotz, Kenneth F. Ulrich, Elmer T. Higdem, Miles W. Henry, and Norman W. Hanson.
Showing at the Palace Theatre
Tiger Fangs starring June Duprez and Duncan Renaldo
The Spanish Main starring Paul Henreid, Maureen O'Hara, and Walter Slezak
100 years ago-
- The new Farmers Elevator was open for business, Barney Clausen of Content brought in the first load of grain.
- W.E. Ferguson and Joe Barker were back from a fishing trip to the Sun River country.
- North Strater, Whitewater, South Malta, South Dodson, and Black Coulee communities had raised sufficient funds to send their quotas of Farm Bureau boys to camp at the Experiment Station near Havre.
- Mrs. Robetory, Chas. Hayden, T.M. Facey, Mr. Glendenning, and Irving Miller were heavy losers in a fire that wiped out a business block in Bowdoin.
- John Smith, George DeFlyer, and Sylvia Schempp were Free-water delegates to the camp near Havre.
118 years ago-
- John Thompson was laid up for several days as the result of an injured head. He had been attacked by an unknown assailant while on his way home after work. He was believed to have been struck by a rock.
- The Alder Gulch mining company had 12 loaded freight wagons in Malta awaiting favorable roads. The wagons were loaded with mining machinery.
- B.D. Phillips was constructing a building in Malta that was to be used for a saloon. It was on the south side of town.
- One of two prisoners who had escaped from the Glasgow jail was discovered hiding in a Hinsdale farmer’s haystack. The other, the notorious Hardee, was still at large with the entire country in a state of alarm.
- S.A. Sweeney of Malta, C.E. Pierson, and Lee Nelson of Saco were named road supervisors. W.M. Wooldridge was appointed to the state fair board.
- D.C. Kenyon went to work as a Western Union operator in Malta.
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