One Nation, Under God

Loring News for Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Mother Nature treated us to another snowstorm on Wednesday night. It was pretty heavy snow so lots of water. All weekend it has misted making more water available for the crops.

The Loring Women’s Club met at the home of Whitney Lumsden on Wednesday. The Annual Loring Picnic was discussed. It will be held on June 16 at 6. The burgers and hot dogs will be provided by the Women’s Club. Come join us with comradery and fun on that evening.

This month this new moon is again Super, since it's closer than most of the rest of the year. I did sweep through my information and found that there are 3 super moons during the year.

I hope your young garden plants didn't freeze with the snow. I went over to Whitewater after work one day last week to pick up some food. I stopped to visit with Lu Besel and she had some beautiful tulips and a bloom on her roses.

School’s out for the summer! Until next time.


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