One Nation, Under God

Memories for April 28, 2021

10 years ago-


April 27, 2011

Giant pothole in Highway 2

The build-up of ground water along, and under, Hwy. 2 west of Dodson, was the apparent cause of a sink hole which appeared in the eastbound traffic lane recently.

“Actually, there were two holes,” said Ray Mengel, District Administrator of the Montana Department of Transportation, headquartered in Glendive.

“The extreme amounts of groundwater loosened the ground around two culverts under the highway, washing the dirt next to the culverts away and causing the earth above the culverts to collapse.”

Mengel said his department has backfilled the holes temporarily until a new culvert could arrive.

They have to wait for the environmental permits, from various agencies, to do the work.

“It shouldn’t take too long to replace the culverts. No more than a day or two." Mengel said.

Courthouse, pavilion in for repairs, renovations

Renovations are in store for the 90-year old Phillips County Courthouse, but these changes will be internal, unlike the major exterior changes over the past two years.

The acoustics in the courtroom on the fourth floor will be vastly improved with the installation of wall panels and carpet runners.

In other business, CTA’s architectural and engineering proposal for demolishing and rebuilding the Milk River Pavilion was also approved by the commissioners.

The commissioners said the final building would be self-sustaining since the building “pays for itself,” according to Commissioner Lesley Robinson. “A lot of people pay for memberships and ride in there when there aren’t other events.”

Showing at the Villa:

Lincoln Lawyer – starring Matthew McConaughey and Marisa Tomei

25 years ago-


April 24, 1996

Otteson records state’s best javelin throw at Sidney meet

Malta’s track teams came home with four gold medals from last Saturdays Sidney Invitational track meet, and a state-best performance in the javelin as well.

Out of the 18 teams at the meet, the M’ettes finished fourth while the Mustangs were seventh.

In winning the javelin throw, senior Josh Otteson recorded a statewide best for all classes with a winning toss of 206-7.

Other winners for Malta at Sidney included Laura Matthews in the javelin at 129-9, Linda Cummings in the shotput at 37-10 ½ and K.D. Contway in the pole vault at 8-0.

Malta board goes for Riverview site

It’s Riverview! Maybe.

The Malta School District Board of Education voted 3-1 last night to ask district patrons to give them the right to purchase the property as the site for a new Malta High School and Junior High complex.

Voters will get a chance to do that on June 4, the same day a primary election for state and national races is slated to be held.

Board Chairman Orvin Solberg said the reason the board met in a rare Monday evening session to consider the site selection question is that the law requires a 40-day public notice period prior to the election. A vote had to be taken by Thursday to meet the 40-day requirement.

Showing at the Villa:

Sgt. Bilko starring Steve Martin

50 years ago-


May 5, 1971

Athletic Club Fight Card on May 22

The Malta Athletic Club is planning a boxing “smoker” in Malta the evening of May 22. The matches will be held at the high school gymnasium.

The club is planning on having 12 bouts, all matching local Phillips County young boxers. Anyone interested in boxing that evening is asked to contact Dan Snider. Proceeds from the smoker will be used to finance Athletic Club youth projects in the county. Both ringside and upstairs tickets will be on sale by the club.

New City Officials Installed

George Hoynes administered the oath of office to E. L. “Duke” Seel, newly elected Mayor of Malta, at ceremonies at the city hall on Monday evening, May 3.

Witnessing the ceremony were the other officials that were also installed by Hoynes. They were; Dr. Walter Meyett, new police magistrate; Elmer Feigel, Roger Ulrich, Romeo Fortin and Carl Eaton, who were all re-elected councilmen; and Mrs. Ellene Halvorson, re-elected city treasurer.

During the council reorganization meeting, Carl Eaton was elected president of the council. Mayor Seel announced the following appointments: Stephen Granat, city attorney; Ralph Young, chief of police; Bud Hasler, water and street superintendent; Dr. D. T. Molley, health officer, and Dixon Grant, city clerk.

The new mayor also asked that the councilmen continue to take care of the departments they had been designated to. Eaton, police and fire department; Feigel, water and park departments and mosquito control; Fortin, streets and alleys, garbage department and city dump, and Ulrich, ways and means, budget and public recreation.

Showing at the Villa –

A Fistful of Dollars starring Clint Eastwood

Scream and Scream Again starring Vincent Price and Peter Cushing

Darker Than Amber starring Rod Taylor and Jane Russell

75 years ago-


April 24, 1946

Mustangs Play Blue Ponies In Grid Opener

In spite of Glasgow’s last minute withdrawal from the local gridiron scene, Coach “Bun” Lodge of the Mustangs this week announced completion of his 1946 schedule by signing the Havre Blue Ponies for the opening game on the night of September 20.

In signing the Ponies, one of the best Class A teams in Montana, Lodge said he had added considerably to the attractiveness of the Blue and White bill of fare for this fall. Glasgow cancelled its original agreement to play this game and the Blue Ponies immediately requested the open date although Glasgow had offered its reserve squad in substitution.

The Mustang menu includes six scheduled games with a seventh in prospect if the team should win district honors. Opponents in addition to Havre are St. Mary’s of Great Falls, Wolf Point, Chinook, Poplar and Fort Benton.

Malta Juvenile Requests Clubroom Facilities Here

Juvenile delinquency from the standpoint of the juvenile is the theme of an article written by one of last year’s high school graduates. It was read as part of the program at the regular meeting of the Malta Woman’s club Tuesday evening and is quoted in part as follows:

“I recently met and talked with a friend, a former classmate who was home on a 30-day leave from the Navy. I asked him what he did to keep busy and he replied, ‘Well, there’s not much else to do in this town but go to a show or get drunk.”

“We propose that you make us a place where we can go. We aren’t asking for anything elaborate, just a place to sit and talk, to dance, get acquainted and plan our school affairs. We need a phonograph, a few chairs, a ping-pong table, perhaps a pool table and a soda fountain. That’s all we ask, besides four walls to hold them together. As a matter of fact, if we had the four walls, we could provide the rest for ourselves. A recreation hall for teen-agers, that is our desire.” – A teen-ager.

Showing at the Palace Theatre:

Sunday Dinner for a Soldier starring Anne Baxter and John Hodiak

100 years ago-


April 27, 1921

- Dr. Carl Foss of Havre had been released from the state prison where he was serving a sentence for conspiracy to intimidate a witness. The case involved was the murder of a homesteader in northern Blaine County in connection with a land contest agreement.

- “Daddy” Minugh of Dodson had been appointed deputy game warden for Phillips County.

- William Bebont of Dodson received word that he had fallen heir to $15,000. At the time, he was serving a jail sentence in Choteau for burgulary.

118 years ago-


April 29, 1903

- E.A. La Rock of Cottonwood had been fined $5 for beating his wife.

- The trustees of the Malta school district were being urged to hire a woman principal. The Enterprise felt that a man could better handle the job.

- Information was being sought as to the whereabouts of Billy Martin who left Malta three weeks previously on horseback for the Missouri river. His horse had turned up at the Tom Davidson ranch.


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