One Nation, Under God

PC Community Foundation to hold Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Philips County Community Foundation (PCCF) will be held on Monday, April 26th at 5 P.M. at the Marian Hills Tin Cup in Malta.

Maggie Sullivan, Program Associate with the Montana Community Foundation will join the meeting virtually to provide inspiration on the importance of giving locally to charitable funds and endowment building. PCCF will provide a financial update on all funds held in trust along with electing new board members and officers for the coming year.

2021 grant checks will be presented to Malta Girl Scouts Troops 3994 and 3995 and RCAN (Rural Community and Agriculture Neighbors.) The public is invited to attend and learn more about the Foundation their endowment and planned giving opportunities that benefit Phillips County. Light refreshments will be provided, and the program will take less than 1 hour.

For additional information, contact any PCCF Board member: Carol Kienenberger, Anne Boothe, Cheri Doll, Vickie Eggebrecht, Terry Skones, or Sally Salveson.


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