One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for April 14, 2021

April 7, 2021

Get well to Marjorie Olson and all who are sick. Again Happy Birthday to all April birthdays, specifically to Debbie Anderson (I missed before.) Hope you all had a nice Easter. In Whitewater, the Lutheran Church had a delicious Easter breakfast followed by church. This included the baptism of baby Anderson (Tanner Anderson’s son.) The church was totally full, that’s great! Guests from out of the area were Gayle Simonson’s children and grandchildren. Also, Ben Math former Whitewater resident now living in the Fort Peck area. After Easter church service there was a colored egg hunt for the children, fun!

Welcome to the world to baby girl Reichelt! She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kalvin Reichelt. Congratulations to the proud parents. Jeanie Green went to Miles City to visit and babysit grandchildren. Leona Siewing took me to dinner at North 40. Thanks to her.

Some ranchers including Sally Austin are calving; babies are so cute. Farmers are preparing for seeding. Huge machines go by on the way to fields. They are very different than the horse and plows or later, the little tractors from when growing up.

Congratulations to Beau Simonson on winning the recent award; a college scholarship from Electrical co. Congratulations to the track participants and good luck to all. Whitewater school had an Easter break. It’s hard to believe there are only 2 months of school left here.

There was a bingo party at our North 40 café; it was well attended and fun for all. Some people golf for fun on Easter. I talked to my great-granddaughter in Medicine Hat, Alberta Canada. They are learning golf. Their school doesn’t get out until June (in Canada.)

Whitewater Weather Bureau says it is “warm and dry” pray for rain. Mom’s tulips are starting to bloom anyway. Enjoy spring!

-Helen A.

March 31, 2021

Beware of fires! Our prairie is so dry, there could be fires anywhere! Western Montana has already had fires. Sympathy to them all. It’s April Happy Birthday to all birthdays in April. That includes Jeanie and (son) Dallas Green, and me (HA). Hope you all had a happy late Easter. Happy anniversary to all.

Get well to Nancy LaBrie. She was the cook at North 40 (Whitewater) and now owns and manages ‘The Closet’ a clothing store. Also, get well to all who are sick. Janice and Curt Reichelt traveled to Colorado to visit family. They were fine. Ashley and Dallas Green purchased a new living room carpet. Very nice.

News from Whitewater Weather Bureau. Terrible wind blew 3 days and nights. Today it quit and it is a beautiful day. Pray for rain.

Recently, I visited my sis Janet Brown in Billings Mt. One great event we remembered was attending the Willie Nelson concert years ago in Billings. Some of his great country songs were “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain” and “On the Road Again” wow! When in Billings Clinic, I noted one big change. At the door, there is a mirror that takes your picture. It records your temperature immediately pictured. This must be for C-19 virus prevention.

Another change in billings was the carwash note: when we had “Money Makers’ “Fund Raisers” by washing cars by hand. This was usually by 4-H or church groups. Anyway, now the car/ truck wash has drive-through operations. In minutes water sprays the car. Then a huge brush washes the vehicle all over. Finally, water rinses the car. All assisted by beautiful psychedelic lights. Awesome. (Maybe I am a country girl.) But I was impressed.

Have a great week.

-Helen A.


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