One Nation, Under God

Memories for January 6, 2021

80 years ago Thursday,

January 2nd, 1941

The body of an unidentified man was found on December 21st by Walter Simpson in a last’s year’s hay stack, five miles east of Bowdoin. The body was in an advance state of decomposition, said Coroner Bell, leading to the belief that he had been dead at least 8 months.

No identification was found, but Coroner Bell said indication are that the man was six feet of more tall and is probably between the age of 28 or 38 years. He had heavy light brown hair and a light sandy complexion. He had about a 30 or 32 waist and approximately a size ten shoe.

His teeth were perfect, but two had been extracted. The man probably wore a size six and five-eights hat and would possibly walk with a limp on the right leg.

The body is not that of Ruric Rainwater, who worked on the Ted Didier rand near Bowdoin last spring. County Attorney Fred Gabriel communicated with Rainwater’s father in Kentucky and received a reply that Rainwater is at home.

This explodes a theory which authorities held for several days. The theory of possible murder was advanced by the jury because of a tightly knotted handkerchief around the dead man’s throat.

Mrs. Bernard Nicholson of Dodson was a shopper in the city Monday.

John Hanson, Jr. and HL Dorr returned Sunday night from Great Falls, accompanied by Mrs. Hanson and infant daughter, Theodora Ann.

The Value of the sugar beet crop to Far Security clients on the Milk River resettlement project in Valley, Phillips, and Blaine counties was $74,342 figuring the price at an estimated $6 per ton, according to project official at Malta.

Ned Mangis and Glen Lyden, students at aeronautic school in Helena, spent Christmas in Malta with their respective parents.

50 years ago – Thursday,

January 7, 1971


Rep. Louie Perry was snnamed to three standing committees for the Montna House of Reoresentatives in the 1971 session, as announced Monday.

Russ Cebulki, chairman of the Phillips County Ambulance Service, announces thew will be a meeting of all ambulance personel at the city hall next Thursday at 7 pm.

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jones and family spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs Marlen Halverson and family in Glasgow. The Doll and Jones families were at the Sleeping Buffalo Sunday and went ice fishing.

Beginning January 1, 1971, Mrs. Hay (Marda) Southwick is the New Secretary for the Phillips County T.V. District.

For Information Call Her.

Private Pilot Ground School Starting January 12 in the Phillips County Librat Basement Meeting Room at 7p.m. For Further Information Contact Russell Cebuski Phone 654-1143

25 years ago- Wednesday, January 3, 1996

Malta's high school and junior high were total losses in the the Christmas Eve blaze, but you might be surprised at how much of the contents inside the building were saved and arcieving a high-tech cleaning.

Nate Murphy and Dale Enerson, who operate Pioneer Cleaning & DnE Janitorial and Carpet Cleaning, respectively are in charge of the impressive procedure, but "retired teachers, school kids, and everyone young and old had been at the warehouse volunteering".

Librarian Penny Lind is featured in an article titled, "Library in ashes, but librarian looks to future"as she began to replace the loss of roughly 20,000 books plus thousands of other publications and materials.

"The thing that Mrs. Lind is saddest about regarding the fire is that "we had a really fine library," she said. "We lost irreplaceable things, rare Montana books, our "Yesteryears. For such a small school, the previous librarians had done a really fine job building a wonderful library.

A committee has been formed to publish a book and video about the Malta High School-Junior High fire. "

10 years ago- Wednesday,

January 5, 2011

Don Nevrivy , who organizes the sero interest Christmas Scrip loans that are available at local banks reported that they helped pump 289,337into the local economy since they became available in October.

That number is down 13% from last year, but he noted that the previous year had been the best year on record and that the relocation of some businesses due to the fire and and cold weather for late night oenings probably account for much of the difference.

A Ribbon Cutting was held Tuesday by the Malta Chamber of Commerce and City of Malt welcombed Tina Myers as a new owner of the Brown Bag Bistro. Pictured are Myers, Concil Chairman Garry Adams, Rob Pankratz, employee, Eric Wilke, chamber vice president, and Jackie Sorlie, Chamber President.


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