One Nation, Under God

Dodson Schools faces second quarter changes to Learning Format

Dodson Schools has changed the learning format for the second quarter.  Due to the large ongoing spike of positive COVID cases on the neighboring Ft. Belknap Reservation, a large number of our student population has been restricted from attending safely in person. On October 21st, only 15 % of the student body was in attendance due to the shutdown of Ft Belknap. To continue to move forward with a safety first mindset and with the caution for high-risk employees and students coming into our building, the following adjustments will be made as of October 26, 2020.

The K-6 Elementary classes will deliver instruction on a strictly remote basis. Parents will receive direct communication from teachers by phone on Thursday, Oct. 22. Please contact the school if you do not receive direct communication from each of your children’s teachers in a timely manner.

The staff of the 7-12 grades would like to continue with the blended instruction model. The decision to attend school in person is still up to the discretion of the parent or guardian. Please contact Wendy Hopkins, Dean of Students, with any question about transitioning to remote learning by calling or texting (406)383-4108, or by e-mail at [email protected].

If you would like food service during remote learning please contact the cafeteria staff at 406-383-4121 DAILY between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. You will not receive food service without calling each day. Cafeteria staff will communicate pick up protocols with you during each day’s call.

In the short term, athletics will continue without interruption. Practice will resume on Monday, Oct. 26. The co-op will continue to travel with the previously arranged transportation.


The district’s COVID plan remains in effect as communicated to all families in August. Please contact the school if you have not received a copy of our plan. This format is currently posted on the school website and the school’s Facebook page. Plans for fans attending basketball games for the 2020-21 season will also be posted on those sites.


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