One Nation, Under God

Briefly for October 28, 2020

Question-Answer Mail-in Consulting

ADULTS ONLY. Get an analysis answer to a healthcare or life activities question within 3 to 6 postmark months. Applicable answer fees are $26 for 2 pages no reference, $36 for 3 pages one reference, or $46 for four pages one reference & vitamin idea analysis answer. After indicating your select fee, send consultant Katie L. McKeon, ABD, EdD your question jointly with your non-refundable fee payment and return address to P.O. Box 605 in Malta, MT 59538. No Credit Cards.

Mondays Shanghai

Shanghai rummy will be on Mondays at 1 p.m. Everyone welcome; come play an exciting and interesting card game.

Trick or Treat for the Food Bank

10-28. The Trick or Treat for the Food Bank will be on Wednesday, October 28 starting at 6 p.m. Please have your donations on the step or ready when the youth groups come collecting.

VFW Auxiliary meeting

11-4. The Malta VFW Auxiliary November 11th meeting has been changed to November 4th at 6 p.m. The change is so the auxiliary can make plans for the annual Veteran's Day dinner. All members please attend.

Malta Lutheran Church Bizarre

11-7. On Saturday, November 7, the Malta Lutheran Church will host their Bazaar which will include pie and coffee, baked goods, and lefse from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Festival Entry Deadline

11-9. The deadline for the Christmas Festival entries is Monday, November 9, 2020, 4:00 p.m. at the Phillips County Museum.


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