One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for September 23, 2020

Recent forest fires and hurricanes really show the effects of global warming. Be aware.

Whitewater School is in full swing and a big salute to all teachers, students, and staff for coping with the COVID-19 virus so well.

Congratulations to all athletes of Whitewater School, the Penguins, and Mavericks in both volleyball and cross country. Good luck this season.

Jeanie Green went to Miles City to a sheep sale to see some of her lambs be sold.

Steve and Patti Young went to Great Falls.

In Whitewater, the weather varies from day to day. The nights are cool, almost cold. Then the days warm up nicely. However, we can smell the smoke from fires in and outside of Montana. Let’s hope and pray that the fires are put out soon.

The sunset looks different due to the vires. Instead of our beautiful sunsets of various colors, the sun is just a giant orange ball. Then the big red ball just suddenly drops. The days are getting so much shorter, too. I hate to see fall then winter coming.

There will be volleyball games here on September 24.

Here is a joke to help get you through your day.

Question: What do you get when two giraffes collide?

Answer: A Giraffic Jam.

I hope everyone is healthy and happy. Enjoy the last days of summer.

Helen A.


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