One Nation, Under God

PhillCo presents Reimaging Rural Series

Malta and Phillips County was one of 25 communities accepted to participate in a series of virtual statewide gatherings called Reimagining Rural. This series is designed to bring people together who are passionate about creating vibrant, robust rural places, growing local capacity, and who are eager to learn, connect, and lead local change.

The series began on September 15th, and is comprised of three statewide virtual sessions for rural communities across Montana to come together to have a conversation focused on building a positive future for our small towns.

Fifteen Phillips County residents participated in the first session, which featured Ben Winchester of the University of Minnesota Extension Center for Community Vitality. Ben shared his “brain gain” research that counters negativity common in current discussions of rural communities.

The September 29th session will feature Deb Brown and Becky McCray, cofounders of Save Your Town. Becky and Deb are small-town natives and passionate about the future of rural. They will kick-off session two with an invigorating interactive discussion on becoming an “idea friendly” community.

The October 13th session will feature a follow up, Q & A and discussion session with all presenters to explore ideas for potential projects in our communities.

If you are interested in joining the discussion, meetings will be held from 6-9 p.m. at the Phillips County Library Basement Meeting Room. For more information, contact Pam Smith Wolsey at [email protected] or 654-5525.


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