One Nation, Under God

Phillips County Museum News for Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Return of the Swift Fox is in the news.

Northern Phillips County residents have been reporting an increase in the Swift Fox numbers for several years. About five years ago a UPS driver came in the door of the PC Museum with a quizzical look and asked if we had a mounted Swift Fox? He had been driving a road north of Dodson when an animal ran across in front of the truck. He was not sure what he had seen but it resembled a fox and a cat. In telling a friend about the incident it was suggested it might be a Swift Fox and he directed him to the Museum to see the Swift Fox mount. The UPS driver was thrilled to see the Swift Fox and excitedly verified that was exactly what he had seen! The Swift Fox is an omnivore. He enjoys fruits, small mammals, and insects for lunch. In the wild, his life span is three to six years.

The PC Museum would love to show you the Swift Fox located by the fighting elk. Museum hours are Monday-Saturday 10-5.


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