One Nation, Under God
There are times that I wish we could all unplug. What I mean is unplug from technology and media. What would a world like that even look like?
I am lucky to remember times without Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and other social media apps. My kids won’t have that luxury. Instead, whenever they get a smart device, they will be ex-posed to so many things that I am just praying that it doesn’t ruin them.
I have been taught that what comes out of your mouth is from the overflow of the heart. This is my mind also applies to the garbage people type and share on social media. Society is a mess.
Social media started in the right place. I remember my first introduction to this type of media was Xanga. Xanga seemed like a more mature type of media, where I would write whatever was on my mind. No pictures. Then MySpace. Then Facebook. I didn’t have to tread lightly with what I typed because there was no attacking my posts.
Today, anything you say or type can spark praise or completely ruin your reputation. Adults aren’t acting like adults. Minds instantly revert to combative childishness if a post goes against their way of thinking. People cry fake news while posting their favorite fake news. People call people sheep while acting shepp-like. Almost any issue instantly becomes political, including basic human rights.
I often wonder if people even like what they have become. Do people like pushing the political nonsense that they push? Does that person feel good for ridiculing and terrorizing someone that doesn’t think like them? Do people see the hypocrisy in things they post about their “opponents?”
I wish things were different. I wish that people’s minds weren’t so affected by what we see on the screen in front of us. Some are so affected that they take their own life because of the hate and negativity.
I simply challenge anyone that reads this to try to be better. We are setting the tone and ex-ample for our kids. Take it or leave it.
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