One Nation, Under God

Grant Received by Phillips County for "Bee"havioral Health

A County Grant in the amount of $40,000.00 was received from the Department of Health and Human Services for the Local Advisory Council (LAC) for Behavioral health. This Grant money is to be spent over the next year. LAC Chairman, Janice Reichelt, is serving as the coordinator of the funds and Terri Skiff, LAC Treasurer is assisting with the fiscal duties. This grant would not have been attained without the cooperation of the County Commissioners, the Phillips County Health Department, and Lynell LaBrie, Courthouse Clerk.

The project has been named “The Beehive” to capture the “Bee”havioral Health concept and the idea that it will be a “busy” group to get the projects completed within the year. Initially the funds were going to have to be spent by the end of August, so you can imagine the pressure of that time frame. The information sites are referred to as the “Buzz” and are kept short and to the point in an effort to appeal to our sound-bite generation.

Funds are to be utilized for public education featuring behavioral health and other wellness concepts pertaining to Covid-19. The recent KMMR radio infomercials that are aired in the morning and afternoon are covered by these funds. KMMR’s capable radio technician, Leslie Schipman has been a huge help. The video tech and webmaster Sally Wright has created a website on Facebook to capture the information. The first 4 days she had over 1000 hits to the page!

Please follow our progress as we help Phillips County. We will be in touch!


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