One Nation, Under God
Am I the only one who is tired of dirty politics?
It is hard to believe that it is August. Happy birthday to all August birthdays, including my son, Mitchell Moore.
A late happy birthday to July birthdays I missed including Pat Murdock. They had a nice birthday cake for her birthday.
The Phillips County Fair was different this year, due to the virus. Most four age exhibits were in Malta. There were no carnival rides, and the kids missed them. There was a concert and other night activities. Congratulations to all 4-H-ers and all who put entries in the Phillips County Fair. I was in 4-H, and the first thing I entered was an egg salad sandwich. It won a blue ribbon and I was so proud! Anyway...
Back in Whitewater, the weather is hot, typical for July and August. Haying is in full swing. Some are getting prepared for harvest, good luck to all.
So much of farming and ranching depends on the seasons and weather.
Genie G. went to sheep sales in Glasgow as her lambs were sold by 4-H members.
Soon Whitewater school will begin as well as other County schools. Whitewater will be having actual classes in the school buildings but are aware of the precautions needed to be taken for the virus. Take care to all. The school will also serve hot lunch and breakfast.
The North 40 is regular open hours. They serve senior meals on Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The price is now $5 a plate.
Reminder: there is a library in the North 40, with lots of books.
Note: Days are getting a little shorter period so enjoy the summer.
Helen A.
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