One Nation, Under God
We have been experiencing some very hot weather and the weather map looks like it is to continue for at least another week. We did have a little rain last Thursday that cooled it for a very short time.
People from away from here had asked about grasshoppers as they have been bad in some places. I had not noticed many here but yesterday while picking raspberries I found lots in the bushes. Hope they do not get too bad before harvests are done. Velyma Broadhead and Dora picked raspberries and more are coming. There are a lot of chokecherries this year too.
There seems to be a rise again in COVID 19 cases and everyone is concerned with this danger.
There was only a small portion of the usual campers etc. parked over at the fairgrounds this year as they held a limited version of the fair this year. The carnival was noticed as missing and was sorely missed as was so much of the 4H activities.
The 1O5th continuous running of the Phillips County Fair is over and I hope with the changes they had to make it was still enough of success and maybe it will be back more to what we have always expected for the fair for 2021. It has always been such a gathering place for all old friendships and to make new ones. And such a good showing for all the 4H projects and the working of our youth. Thanks to all the people who worked on it to make it work this year.
I was surprised when some of the younger residents, although my yard is fenced and posted, were found to have climbed my fence, breaking it in two places---climbed onto one of my outbuildings and were running on it, tearing off shingles and throwing them on the ground on both sides of the building. Too much time unsupervised and with nothing to do. Thanks to neighbors who saw them and stopped them.
They are having a meeting with the parents and teachers and community to see about opening the school again to classrooms for this fall session. It would be nice if it could be worked out.
Congratulations to all having a birthday or anniversary, including Deserae KillEagle, Bea Cole, and Molly Minugh.
The thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel. What you do today can improve all tomorrow.
Have a wonderful week.
Congratulations to Deserae KillEagle on the birth of her son. He joins two sisters in the family.
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