One Nation, Under God

Loring News for August 5, 2020

And now it is August! The month of harvest, one of the most stressful times of the year for the farmer/rancher! Some people love harvest. It means a less stressful time and the fruits of all your hard work now can be realized. Other people don't like it so much. They think about the end of summer and the beginning of the cruelest time of year, winter!

Several people have commented about the saga of my flycatcher! I'm happy to report that all four babies fledged on Tuesday! They flew over to the Russian olives and the parents were there continuing to talk and feed them. Even today five days later, the young ones are on the deck many times during the day! And I see how much waste those six birds make on my deck chairs! A shout out to Tim on the west coast! He reads the PCN, even though his family left in 1969.

I entered my paintings in the Phillips County Fair again this year! I'm thankful that there was an open class since so many other things were not open. This too shall pass! I didn't get to see the other entries, but it's always fun to see the ribbons I got. Thank you to Jeanie Green for taking it to the fair for entry day!

Pete Lumsden had a crew to help move the cows to Stordahl’s pasture. The grandkids stopped in to say hi to Buster and Hunter. Cary Woodruff helped move the herd!

Also a huge high five to Dwight Score and Joes In and Out for their support of the Boy Scouts troop 1429 in Malta. I'm sure the food was delish and I know the line was long! What a great unselfish way to help in the time of Covid19!

Many families are getting ready for the opening of school. I’ve met the superintendent of schools from Turner and the new superintendent in Malta was a colleague of mine in Whitewater a long time ago! Good luck to them and all others who have to make such tough decisions during this time of COVID!

Stay safe, y'all!


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