Taking in the concert... Top Row, L to R: Beau Simonson, Hayden VanWichen, Shawn Gilkerson, Andres Lopez, Nick Molitor, Rex Williamson, Pierce Mortenson, Tanner Smith, Marcus Woods, and Tim Wageman. Middle Row: Lauren Doney, Brylee French, Kooper Oxarart, Sidney Meeks, and Erica Smith. Bottom Row: Camryn Messerly, Janessa Malmend, Raina Mortenson, and Kelbee Denham.
Alisha and Spencer Gibbs work the ticket booth during Friday night's concert.
Ethan Heillig, of Turner, Dillon Kinney, of Malta, and Charlie Calvert of Hoagland pose for a picture at the Phillips County Fair on Friday night.
Demarais atop his AMX races a night before the races.
Sharon Young works the banker booth at the Phillips County Fair.
Anna, Ella and Will Brown check-in the 105th Phillips County Fair.
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