One Nation, Under God
On Tuesday, a huge storm with very high winds hit our area. It hit so hard that I was worried that my picture window might blow out or break. I'm still thankful for the absence of a hail! The rain came down hard and sideways! One of my neighbors lost most of the shingles on his roof, another lost his barn from the wind. The hay windrows were blown all over the fields. Then the sun came out!
Also, as a result of the storm, many power poles were broken and the electricity went off. The crew at Big Flat worked long hours to restore the power to the people. We were out for about 22 hours! Thankful that we had warm temps, not negative 20!
Loring Woman's Club will meet on Thursday this week.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Debbie Dyrdahl as she and her sister Jeri travel to Billings for some tests.
The Loring community extends sympathy to the Flansaas family on the death of Andrew Flansaas.
Be sure to save the date for the Loring Sunday Fun Day, July 26! I've heard that the activities are changing up a bit and guaranteed to provide entertainment!
If you look to the west in the evening after the sun goes down, you might be able to see the comet NEOWISE! It was appearing in the early morning but as the cycle continues it is in the evenings now. Use your binoculars and look northwest.
Update on my flycatchers, the eggs have hatched, and the parents are busy feeding the youngsters! I am so thankful that they are doing well even though the deck traffic has to be monitored so the parenting can continue!
Until next week, tell your loved ones you love them!
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