One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
July 6,1920
A marriage license was issued to Gustavo Torgeson and Luella Marie Reitan, both of Valleytown.
Brad Buckman, 30, a Great Northern watchman, was killed in an accident at the Bowdoin yards.
The Phillips County Farm Bureau was holding a series of schools throughout the County.
Malta residents had taken steps to secure a plot of land owned by R. M. Trafton on the North side of the track to be used for a park and tourist camp.
Frank Leonard and Ione Foster were married by Reverend Schenefelt.
A big July 10 celebration was being advertised by Whitewater. There was to be a Stampede, free dinner, and dance with music by the Sack Jazz group.
75 years ago
July 5, 1945
Bruckner on ship damaged in Japanese warfare
Mr. and Mrs. John Bruckner have received word that the ship upon which their son, Harvey, served as petty officer first class, was hit by enemy action and badly damaged.
Petty Officer Bruckner has now been assigned to a fast evacuation ship removing wounded men from the battle area. Bruckner enlisted in November of 1942 and has been overseas for 14 months. He was electrician's mate on the damaged ship which is now being repaired. He saw action at Saipan, the Philippines, and Iwo Jima.
Reception is held for newlywed couple
Details of the wedding of Ms. Shirley Kropp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Kropp of Malta, and Howard Meyer, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer of South Wagner, which took place at Vancouver, Wash., on June 2, have been received.
Following the marriage, a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anderson, formerly of Malta. The home was beautifully decorated with flowers. The wedding cake was cut by the newlyweds and many friends called to congratulate the young people.
Lt. Jack Reynolds liberated from war prison
Lt. Andrew (Jack) Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson of Regina, arrived home last week after being liberated from a German war prison where he had been held since January 4, 1944.
Lt. Reynolds was reported missing from one of his first flights over enemy-occupied Germany and it was not learned for some time that he had been taken prisoner. He was piloting a B-24 Liberator bomber at the time.
Lt. Reynolds graduated from Malta High School with the Class of 1935.
50 years ago
July 9, 1970
Wagon Train Committee sets up rules and regulations for big Labor Day event
A set of rules governing the types of vehicles, procedures, and operation of the first annual Milk River Wagon Train set for the Labor Day weekend was adopted at a meeting of the organizers Monday evening at Malta City Hall.
The rules were drawn up by Bill Cotter, Roger Rhinehart, Erwin Miller, and Jeff Boe. The rules include:
*All Wagons must be painted.
*Kerosene lanterns will be the only light allowed in camp except in emergencies.
*No drunkenness or rowdy conduct will be tolerated while train is en route.
*All participants must dress western style.
25 years ago
July 12, 1995
Street Talk
Question: What do you treasure the most about your Malta High School days?
Louis Klimper: (Billings) Parties at Kid Curry's...Roy Howard stepping on my face.
Helen Hanlin Blevins: It was a fun, carefree time in a small town!
Joan Lovell Bertholf: I had a lot of friends. A couple of notorious friends...Bob and Jack!
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