One Nation, Under God

Loring News for July 1, 2020

The weather is typical for Montana, temps in the 90’s for the highs, lows in the low 60’s for a few days and then cool, windy, and rain! Yes, rain! So welcome!

The summer basketball season is in partial mode. Not quite as active as other years due to COVID 19, but the North Country Lady Mavericks played a tourney in Malta and won all four games! Good work, girls!

The Great Plains Dinosaur Museum hosted a Kids’ Day on Saturday. Many children with their parents came in to participate in dinosaur-related activities! Dixie Stordahl, Sommer Green, and Lu Besel helped out!

I was in Glendive for a couple of days this week. Cary Woodruff helped Makoshika State Park excavate a pachycephalosaurus dome. While there I visited with Marisa Wahl and family.

The fields of canola are such a bright yellow against the green of the nearby fields! There are some safflower fields with a more golden flower, and the peas look like they bloomed with a white blossom!

My flycatcher momma bird is still sitting on the nest on the deck. Hopefully, she'll hatch her little brood in about a week or so.

The Loring Lutheran Church will not have services on the 5th of July but will resume on the 12, 19, and 26 at 9 a.m.

Have a safe and happy Independence Day!


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