One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
April 15, 1920
The Phillips County Marketing Association held its second annual meeting. It was estimated the association had saved the members $6,000 in the past year. George DeFlyer was president, Evelyn Zabell, secretary, and other members of the board of directors were V.E. Misner and Frank Schempp.
Lars Sobo, Harb homesteader, dies at his home after a long illness.
H. M. Kirton of Malta was a candidate for delegate to the republican national convention.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baeth.
The marriage of Ms. Margaret Kirton and Emil Brohlin was announced.
George Whitcomb, one of Montana's youngest soldiers, had returned from France. He served 72 days on the front in the battle of the Marne and was wounded twice. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism.
Bids for the construction of a new high school building were awarded to Leighton and Kleppe of Great Falls. Seiger and Hansom of Malta received the plumbing contract.
The floodwaters of the Milk River had been turned into Bowdoin Lake which had been at a very low level for several years. The Milk River Rod and Gun Club was paying for the water.
75 years ago
April 19, 1945
Doucette Ranch is sold to Smith in Malta
The Lucian Doucette Ranch on Beaver Creek was sold this week to Ed Smith of Malta. Mr. Doucette leased the ranch back for the period of one year during which time he will dispose of his cattle.
The ranch consists of approximately 2,400 acres of deeded land and 5,000 acres of leased land.
Mr. Doucette is a director of the Northeastern Montana Hereford Breeder Association and is said to have one of the best herds of cattle in the county.
Survivor of Bismarck
Kenneth Fulton, the husband of the former Bette Pope of Malta, was one of the 400 survivors of the USS Bismarck which was sunk at Iwo Jima. Fulton is now in the United States on leave.
Charter is granted Buster Deo Post V. of F. W.
A charter has been granted the Buster Deo Post No. 467 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, which was organized in Malta recently.
At the organizational meeting, Harry Hanlin was elected post commander; Leonard B. Shelstad, first vice commander; Michael Perraut, second vice commander; John Parks, quartermaster, and John Pugh, chaplain. Lloyd Ramberg, Joe Holzhey, and Paul Mann are members of the board of directors.
The post is named for Norman E. (Buster) Deo, the first Phillips County man to be killed in World War II. Deo was killed at Corregidor April 30, 1942, while operating a coast artillery anti-aircraft gun.
At present, the Buster Deo Post has 27 members, including two veterans of the Spanish American War, John Pugh, of Malta, and C. M. Henderson, of Zortman.
Pvt. Wallace Ohs wounded again in action
Pvt. Wallace Ohs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ohs of Malta, has been wounded for the second time in action in the European theatre of war.
Pvt. Ohs had been in Germany when he was shot through the right thigh and is reported to be making normal improvement. Pvt. Ohs was previously wounded and was awarded the Purple Heart.
Memorial service for Roosevelt Saturday
Memorial services for the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt were held at the Malta Community Church Saturday afternoon and all businesses were closed from 1:30 to 3 o'clock.
Loomis is awarded Bronze Star in Italy
At a recent ceremony held on a 15th AAF Flying Fortress airdrome in southern Italy, M-Sgt. Frank C. Loomis of Landusky, was presented with the Bronze Star by Brig. Gen. Charles W. Lawrence, commanding general of Loomis' Fortress Wing.
50 years ago
April 16, 1970
Julie Henderson wins district cook-off
Julie Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henderson, won first place in the district CowBelle cook-off held in Glasgow last Saturday. As winner, she received $25 from the Montana CowBelles and will represent the northeastern district at the state contest.
Burglary at high School Friday netted $159 in cash
Malta High School was entered last Friday morning and cash in the amount of $159 was taken from various sources in the high school and junior high offices.
Vandalism has occurred at the school two other times this year and the Saco School was vandalized for the third time this year, the latest episode 31 windows on the north side of the building were damaged.
Varied agenda at Council Meeting
Several people attended the Malta City Council meeting Monday touching on a variety of topics.
It was noted that there had been several complaints that Buttrey's parking lot was being used late at night for beer parties, etc., and cans and bottles were littering up the lot. Chief of Police Ralph Young said that he was working on the situation.
There was also a short discussion of the "time capsule" which is in the City Park encased in concrete. It was discussed as to when it was supposed to be opened and who was supposed to remember to do it and what it was for. It was placed during the "Railroad to Rockets" celebration in 1962.
25 years ago
April 12, 1995
Street Talk
Question: Do you believe you will be resurrected?
Kaycie Murphy: I doubt it. I would have lived my life and wouldn't want to come back."
Sue Poulton: Yes! I do! Because life is precious ... and it won't end at "just nothing."
Steve Knudsen: Definitely!
Jerry Belstad: Yes, I do. I don't think this is all there is.
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