One Nation, Under God

Briefly for March 25, 2020

Disclaimer: All events are still scheduled but not confirmed. Please check with each event’s organizer to check if the event is still scheduled.

Malta Senior Meals


Thurs Mar 26th - Ham Dinner

Fri Mar 27th - Hot Turkey

Tues Mar 31st - Tater Tot Casserole

Food Bank Covid-19 protocol

Because of the Covid-19 protocol, those needed to use the Malta Food Bank must call ahead at 654-1235 during open hours, 9-noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Food will be placed in a grocery cart and placed outside. No recipients inside the Food Bank until further notice.

Story Time canceled

The Phillips County Library is canceling Story Time for the next two weeks.

Story Time is planned to resume on April 1.

St. Mary’s Fish Fry 3-27 canceled, look for 4-3 update

March 13 through April 3. Lenten Fish Fry dinners will be on these Fridays: March 13, March 27, has been canceled and we will keep you posted on the April 3 event.

MHS Class of 1970 reunion

To the Malta High School Class of 1970: Save the dates June 5 and 6, 2020 for our class reunion in Malta. No individual letters will be sent out so please spread the word!! Next planning meeting will be April 23, at 6 p.m. at VFW Club. If you have any questions, please call Carolyn at 654-2777.

MHS Class of 60-61 reunion

9-2020. 1960-1961 Malta Class Reunion to be held Labor Day Weekend on September 4-5, 2020, at the Tin Cup. Contact Lonnie Link at 654-2374 or Bonnie Millar at 654-2873.

Men’s Golf League

4-2. Notice to all interested Men’s League golfers. There will be an informational/planning meeting for the Marian Hills Men’s Golf League on Thursday, April 2 at 7 p.m. at the Tin Cup. Election of officers and discussion of the upcoming season will be the topics. Any interested players are to sign up at the golf course or with Bob Galt, 654-2340.

Adult Prom fundraiser

4-18. The Hi-Line Future Foundation will host an All Era Prom tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 18 at the Bullet Hole and doors will open at 8 p.m. with the Grand March at 10 p.m. All proceeds will go toward the City of Malta pool renovation. More information will follow.


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