One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
March 18, 1920
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simanton.
The Malta Band planned an Easter concert.
Word from William Dorn to his neighbors in the Walston community was that he had suffered a severe attack of influenza and would be delayed in his return to his farm.
A Knights of the Columbus Lodge was organized in Malta. Officers elected included H. L. Wolfe Jr., grand knight; E. E. Chabot, deputy grand knight; R. E. Deveney, chancellor; John Daniels, recording secretary; T.E. O'Malia, treasurer; Joseph Judge, warden; Thomas Sheehe, chaplain; Mike O'Neil, inner guard; and Wilfred Primeau, outer Guard.
The Malta Commercial Club met to discuss the progress of the Northern Montana Development Association and advertising for Blaine, Valley, and Phillips County.
75 years ago
March 22, 1945
County Nurse wins promotion at Charleston
Word has been received that Florence Glascock of the Army Nurse Corps has been promoted to first lieutenant. Lieutenant Glascock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Glascock of Saco, is stationed at present at the Station Hospital in Charleston, S. C., where she received her commission on Feb. 22.
Some opposition for City Dad positions
Some opposition for the position of aldermen for Ward No. 1 appeared Wednesday when Carol Hanson and Kenneth P. Murray filed nominating petitions as candidates against Frank Hromas and Harry Lyden.
Carl Veseth has filed as a candidate from Ward No. 2, Lochiel Edwards, incumbent, will seek reelection, Dick Hendrickson has filed for the office of City Treasurer to replace Goerge Chambers, and no opposition appears in the race for mayor as H. G. Mebust so far is the only candidate.
Frenchman Creek 4-H Club formed March 14
The Frenchman Creek 4-H club held its organization meeting on March 14 at the Frenchman Creek Schoolhouse.
The following officers were elected: Bud Mavencamp, president; Monte Mavencamp, vice president; Donald Mavencamp, secretary-treasurer; Annie Niles, news reporter, and Mae Niles, recreation leader. The leaders are Bernice Peterson and Ervin H. Niles.
Harb serviceman is wounded in battle
Pvt. Raymond Bruckner, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bruckner of the Harb community, was wounded in action on Feb. 28. The Bruckners received word direct from their son on March 2, in which he stated that he had been wounded in the leg by shrapnel and evacuated to Luxembourg and from there to France where he was hospitalized.
Pvt. Bruckner stated that he expected to rejoin his outfit soon as he is in communications work with General Patton's Third Army.
A brother, Harvey, is an electrician in the Navy and went through the invasion of Iwo Jima. He was also in action at Saipan.
50 years ago
March 19, 1970
Superior ratings at Science Fair
Seven Malta students won superior ratings at the District 2 Science Fair held in Choteau last Saturday.
David Clausen, Mike Smith, Carol Flansaas, Robert Clausen, Jack Lucas, Mike Schumacher, David Hitch all earned the superior rating for their projects under the tutelage of Mrs. Laurin Bruckner, junior high science teacher.
Mike Smith received the grand award for boys in the junior division with his project "Life in Geologic Past."
Boys and Girls selected for Legion State
The four Malta High School juniors to be selected as 1970 delegates to attend the American Legion Boys State are Doug Kaufman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolly Kaufman; Keith Maristuen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Maristuen; Kevin Salsbery, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Salsbery, and Craig Stiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stiles.
The names of the Girls State delegates and alternates are Pauline Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marlan Olson; Terrianne Jacobson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jacobson; Maureen Golik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Golick, and Brenda Nessland, daughter of Mrs. Bettey Nessland.
25 years ago
March 15, 1995
3-C Boys All-Conference
Four of the 10 members of the 3-C 1994-95 All-Conference Boys Basketball Squad come from Phillips County.
Named to the honor were Nate Hammond, Whitewater; Ryan Eklund, Saco; Rick Nelson, Saco, and Dallas Green, Whitewater.
10 year ago
March 24, 2010
Malta High School seniors chosen to reign as King and Queen over the annual prom Saturday night were Westen Young and Carly Flatt.
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