One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for March 18, 2020

It snowed again but melted and is beautiful out (and then snowed again this weekend.) The geese are back. They are flying and honking. I love them.

Again, happy birthday and happy anniversary to all March people celebrating this month.

Congratulations to all basketball players and coaches, bands, fans, and all who participated in recent tournaments. I will let the sportswriters report the scores etc...

Again, remember, Whitewater Lutheran Church is hosting soup suppers on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m., followed by evening Lenten Church service through Lent and until Easter.

Welcome back traveling prize was awarded to Ree, Lyn, and Eunice Simonson from Arizona. Ree said she had a good time in Arizona.

A representative from Triangle Communications called me and said they will be updating telephone lines and equipment in Whitewater. She said some work will be done on my property and they will be adding fiberoptic to some lines and home. (I don’t understand all of that.)

When I grew up in Whitewater, we only had one phone for the entire town. It was located in Brandt’s Store about the location where the North 40 Café now sits. If there was a call for someone, the store clerk came down and got the person! Times have certainly changed. Now there are induvial cell phones.

Triangle Communications publishes “Keeping You Connected, a magazine. In February of 2020, they featured the business Family Matters of Malta. Some folks from our Whitewater clerk there.

The magazine also published recipes by readers. Diane Leibel of Malta had a nice recipe published, as did Selma Miller (who is now deceased.) Her recipe was for “Monster Cookies.”

They also print community crosswords and Whitewater was featured a while back.

A big shout out to our Whitewater School’s “Penguin Press” which is published by the school’s students.

It is spring in Whitewater, go for a walk.

Helen A.


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