One Nation, Under God
I hope everyone remembered to turn their clocks ahead on Sunday! At least it's daylight now.
Monday was overcast — 25 degrees and the wind was blowing of course.
There was an open town meeting held on Monday evening on the work that is needed to be done on the town's sewer lagoon. Representatives from Great West Engineering and Bear Paw explained the impact as we are in the 100-year floodplain and/or wet-land. The Town has secured a grant to do most of the work needed but an increase of a higher sewer rate will be necessary to care for the operation of the new system and maintenance of the same. The increase will probably go into effect this summer. Work will begin later this year. The open meeting was poorly attended.
The community sends condolences to the families of Justin Rassmussen and Mary (Fox) Doney, who passed away this week. Our community keeps getting smaller.
Get well wishes are sent to Glen Dolphay who has been having some health problems.
Congratulations to the Boys Coyote Basketball team for making History winning the Class C Eastern Divisional tournament in Glasgow when they defeated the Froid-Lake Redhawks. It is the first top trophy since 1966. Great going kids!!
It was drying up so nice this week but on Saturday night we got about two inches of light fluffy wet snow again. The sun shone on Sunday that melted quite a bit of it but made a lot of mud again.
Don't forget the Seed Show is in Harlem this week. They always have beautiful quilts and woodworking among other things and some good speakers.
Wink and Terri Cole and Steve Cole's family enjoyed supper out together this week-end.
Nellie Sherman celebrates a Birthday this Wednesday if anyone would like to send a card. Her address is Park Place Nursing Home overcast — Room 610, 1500 32 St. South, Great Falls, MT, 59405.
Geese have started to fly over and we are seeing some more small birds, Maybe spring will make it yet!
Happy Birthday greetings are sent to Sarese Pankratz and all others having a birthday this week and to all celebrating an anniversary.
An idea is a curious thing — it will not work unless you do.
Top of the week to you all!
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