One Nation, Under God
Across the country, county and state Farm Bureaus are making safety a priority through the Agricultural Safety Awareness Program. As part of ASAP, March 1-7 has been designated as Agricultural Safety Awareness Week. U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers will join Farm Bureau in promoting the week with its theme “20:20 Vision on Ag Safety.”
A different safety focus will be highlighted by Phillips County Farm Bureau and U.S. Ag Centers each day of the week:
Monday, March 2 – Mental Health Tuesday, March 3 – Transportation Safety Wednesday, March 4 – Weather Disasters Thursday, March 5 – Confined Spaces Friday, March 6 – Farmer Wellness
During this week and throughout the year, Farm Bureau is encouraging farmers to make safety a priority on the farm.
“Agricultural safety is critically important on America’s farms and ranches,” said Phillips County Farm Bureau President Tom DePuydt. “By investing in safety and health in agricultural communities, we’re able to help save lives and resources through the prevention of injuries and lost time on the job.”
The Agricultural Safety Awareness Program is a part of the Farm Bureau Health and Safety Network of professionals who share an interest in identifying and decreasing safety and health risks. For more information and resources, visit the Phillips County Farm Bureau or ASAP Facebook pages.
Visit the Centers’ YouTube channel ( for new content and fresh ideas about how to stay safe while working in agriculture, forestry and fishing. Join the movement to keep farms safe and share your own safety messages on social media using the hashtags #KeepFarmsSafe, #ASAP20 and #USAgCenters.
The 11 U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers ( are funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
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