One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News & Opinion for February 26, 2020

The news on TV and radio is depressing. There are so many drive-by shootings and murders, all terrible. Once more we see the need for gun control…mostly banning or controlling assault weapons used in wars.

Recently, I went to Havre and shopped at the Dollar Store. Great buys at ½ price of most stores. However, Havre shopping is limited as so many stores are gone. I especially miss Kmart.

Back in Whitewater, many ranchers are gearing up for calving. It seems early to me, as Dad and most ranchers didn’t start caving until May or April when the weather was warmer.

Last year in Whitewater, temperatures were anywhere from 20-to-40 below zero for much of February. This year the temperatures have been above zero and it has been much nicer.

In winter, I don’t get around as much to gather news so call me with your news at 674-5576 and let it ring.

In the 1940s and 50s, when I grew up, most of us didn’t get to travel like people do today. We did not have cars, or cars good enough to make it too far. Often, we did not get to Malta for weeks. But then we had our Brandt’s store here. It supplied food and Mrs. Brandt gave us all credit. Does anyone else remember Brandt’s store?

There was also a little train in Whitewater then to ride.

Some people now go to Arizona. The Hammonds went recently.

Get well wishes to all cold sufferers…sore throats are the worst. When I would get repeated sore throats and colds, my mom would tie a strip of salt pork around my neck and throat. The pork – maybe it was the salt – was supposed to draw the soreness out. I don’t know if it worked, but it was an old home remedy. (I can tell you that bacon on your throat feels awful.) My sister and I – Janet B. – thought it would do more good if we cooked it and ate it.

Have a nice week.

Helen A.


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