One Nation, Under God
2-12. Greetings to all my readers! And a happy birthday month to Mark, our editor!
The Loring Lutherans held their annual meeting on the 9th of February with a delicious meal after church and the meeting.
I see it has snowed again. This heavy snow coming after the warm up is not good!
The snow just keeps piling up and keeping our footing on an even keel is not easy!
Right now I'm in Florida, right in the middle of the state. Last night at Kennedy Space Center a rocket was launched and we could see the trajectory from here! It was quite impressive! We are two hours from the center!
I'm not in the Loring area so I don't have much news. See you all when I get home! Tell your loved ones you love them!
2-19. I have been in Florida for two weeks, but I have been keeping up with the weather in northern Phillips County. It was below zero a few days, and snowing, then in the thirties and blowing, just a little. The ranchers are getting ready for calving, a work intensive time of year.
The Loring Lutheran Church is celebrating its first confirmation in quite a few years! Mylee Clark has completed the instruction and will be confirmed on Sunday the 23, with coffee and snacks after church! Congrats to Mylee!
Carmen and Matt Norville, and daughters, Jonnae and Jim Slade, and children, Whitney and Jay Blunt, and children and Carol Lumsden took the weekend to gather at the Fairmont Hot Springs for some skiing and comradery.
Welcome home to Tina Russel who has been in Florida for a few days.
Fran Compton and I went to the Kennedy Space Center and spent the day. It was so interesting! And it just happened that the rocket to explore the sun had launched the night before which we could see from Lake Placid, two hours away. And another coincidence, the first American woman at the space station came back to earth after being on the SSI for a year!
Don't waste a day, tell your loved ones you love them!
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