One Nation, Under God
Portion of November 29 through portion of December 6, 2019. Check out our website: and our Facebook page, Phillips County Sheriff’s Office. Our Facebook page does give reports of scams and other important information as needed to get to the public.
November 29, 2019
11:13 p.m. 911 received reporting people fighting outside of the caller’s residence in Dodson; situation resolved itself while still on the 911; all involved parties left the location.
11:38 p.m. Undersheriff and Deputy performed a welfare check on a running vehicle with no one around the area; all found to be okay and vehicle shut off.
November 30, 2019
2:49 a.m. Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until 5pm today.
3:17 a.m. 911 received requesting assistance for a stuck vehicle on Short Oil/Content Road Junction; Undersheriff responded to the call; driver and vehicle located; driver given a ride to a local residence and vehicle removed the next day.
1:14 p.m. Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until 5pm.
2:40 p.m. Male reported vandalism to his property; Deputies responded to the call; case file started.
2:45 p.m. Male reported the roads in Saco were really bad; information passed onto MT Dept of Transportation employee.
3:35 p.m. Male reported a vehicle had slid off of Hwy 2, near the Airport; local MHP Troopers responded to the call.
5:02 p.m. Winter Storm Warning will expire at 5pm.
6:44 p.m. Female requested law enforcement assistance with removing a male who would not leave her residence; Sheriff and Deputy responded to the call; situation taken care of without further incident and male left the location.
10:17 p.m. Male reported a suspicious vehicle a few blocks away from his residence; Sheriff and Deputy responded to the call; vehicle located at another residence and all was okay.
10:35 p.m. Sheriff performed building security checks in the Dodson area.
11:13 p.m. Life Alert requested medical assistance for an alert alarm at a local residence; Sheriff, Deputy and local EMT Crew responded to the call; patient refused to be transported to the PC Hospital.
December 1, 2019
12:49 a.m. 911 received reporting the caller had hit a pedestrian on Hwy 2, just across the Phillips/Valley Co line; Sheriff, Deputy, Reserve Deputy, Glasgow MHP Trooper, and Hinsdale EMT Crew responded to the call; MHP handled the crash; coroner case file started.
4:46 a.m. Reserve Deputy reported a vehicle had slid off of Hwy 2, west of Saco; no one was around and a wrecker would be needed to remove it; owner located and advised vehicle would be removed later in the day.
7:27 a.m. 911 received requesting an ambulance for a cancer patient; local EMT Crew responded to the call; patient transported to the PC Hospital.
10:35 a.m. 911 received reporting a vehicle slid off, near the Wagner turnoff, on Hwy 2; no injuries to the occupants; Undersheriff responded to the call; slide off location found and no vehicle was there.
2:33 p.m. Female reported a vehicle had slid off of Hwy 2, west of Malta; Undersheriff responded to the call; Good Samaritan pulled the vehicle out of the ditch.
2:35 p.m. Undersheriff requested more sand on Hwy 2; information passed onto MT Dept of Transportation employee.
3:25 p.m. PC Hospital requested an ambulance for a flight crew pick up from the airport, transport to the hospital and back to the airport w/ their patient; local EMT Crew responded to the call.
6:53 p.m. Female requested law enforcement assistance with a renter issue; Deputies handled the call.
8:47 p.m. Female reported a possible fire at a residence near the PC Library; Deputies responded to the call; all found to be okay, just a dryer vent and a street light making it appear to be smoke.
9:38 p.m. Male reported a vehicle slide off on Hwy 2, west of Saco; Deputies responded to the call; one juvenile runaway from North Dakota located; case file started.
11:01 p.m. Deputies transported one juvenile from the above accident scene to PCSO until Dept of Child & Family Services could take custody of the juvenile.
11:01 p.m. Reserve Deputy transported one adult male, Erick Dotson, to PCSO to be incarcerated in PCSO Jail on Williston ND warrants and local Custodial Interference charges.
December 2, 2019
1:16 a.m. Reserve Deputy performed building security checks in the Saco area.
7:08 a.m. High Wind Warning in effect until 5pm today for southwest Phillips Co.
7:47 a.m. Alarm Company reported a commercial burglar alarm sounding at a local business; Undersheriff responded to the call; all found to be okay.
10:21 a.m. Undersheriff released one adult male, John Suarez, from PCSO Jail on time served.
4:31 p.m. High Wind Warning for southwest Phillips is canceled.
5:06 p.m. Female reported hitting a deer, west of Saco; vehicle was still drivable and she had left the scene; white form issued.
5:30 p.m. Deputies, Reserve Deputy, local FD and Ambulance reported to the downtown area for the Parade of Lights.
9:03 p.m. Blaine Co SO requested PCSO assistance with a vehicle pursuit, eastbound on Hwy 2; Ft Belknap LE was already assisting; Deputies and Undersheriff responded to the call; case file started.
9:48 p.m. Deputy reported a one vehicle rollover on the Stage Road, near the Route 11 intersection, involving the vehicle from the pursuit; MHP Trooper handled the crash; PCSO Deputies took one adult male, Robert Bear III, into custody on a local warrant, Negligent Endangerment, Criminal Mischief and Blaine Co SO (Resisting Arrest, Fleeing & Eluding and Careless Driving) charges; male transported to PCSO Jail to be held on those charges.
11:38 p.m. Reserve Deputy reported a vehicle stuck and two individuals were assisting with getting it out.
December 3, 2019
12:01 a.m. Reserve Deputy performed building security checks in the Sleeping Buffalo and Saco areas.
12:22 a.m. MHP Dispatch advised a local towing company would be responding to pick up the vehicle involved in the pursuit and accident.
10:50 a.m. Undersheriff released one adult male, Erick Dotson, from PCSO Jail on own recognizance.
12:12 p.m. Female requested an ambulance for a male who fell; local EMT Crew responded to the call; patient transported to the PC Hospital.
12:54 p.m. Reserve Deputy transported one adult male, Robert Bear III, from PCSO Jail to Valley Co Detention Center to serve time until District Court appearance.
December 4, 2019
6:57 a.m. Female reported a Hit & Run to her vehicle; Deputy responded to the call; case file started.
2:52 p.m. Malta City employee filed a written complaint regarding individuals “living” in a parked vehicle on a residential street; Deputy handled the call.
11:39 p.m. Male reported a juvenile had not returned home; Deputies responded to the call; juvenile not located.
December 5, 2019
10:20 a.m. Female reported a possible gas leak at a local church; Deputy and MDU employee responded to the call; all found to be okay, burner had been left on in the kitchen; building opened up and aired out.
5:53 p.m. Deputies reported to the Malta Headstart for a presentation.
9:19 p.m. Female reported the local transient standing too close to a lane of traffic on Hwy 2; Deputy responded to the call; female advised to not stand so close to the Hwy.4
December 6, 2019
9:45 a.m. Local MHP Trooper requested sand on the residential intersections as they were very icy; information passed onto Malta City employee; sand would be put down as soon as the sanding truck was repaired.
2:26 p.m. Winter Weather Advisory in effect from 11pm Saturday to 5pm Sunday for all of Phillips Co.
4:54 p.m. Local business reported a theft of property; Deputies responded to the call; case file started.
5:12 p.m. Valley Co Detention advised PCSO of the release on bond of Quentin Fish the night before on bond.
5:33 p.m. Female requested a welfare check on a family member; Deputies responded to the call; male not located.
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