One Nation, Under God

Mortenson inducted into MSU-N Chapter of NSLS

Riley Mortenson, daughter of Paul and Rachel Mortenson, a 2016 graduate of Malta High School, and current student at MSU-Northern was recently inducted into the MSU-Northern Chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS).

The MSU-Northern Chapter is the third chapter in the state after MSU and MSU Billings. Founded in 2001, the NSLS is the nation's largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction.

Once a student has been nominated by a faculty, staff or an administrator, they need to accept their nomination proceeded by a series of steps in order to be inducted as a member of the NSLS. The first step is Orientation Day. This is the first event on campus for new members. Students learn the steps of the leadership development program and the schedule of events for the semester. The next step is Leadership Training Day. Student members attend an interactive video training session where they identify goals and overcome obstacles. This interactive and introspective seminar helps members identify their true passions and strengths while creating action steps to achieve their goals. Followed by attending three Speaker Broadcasts. Live-streamed events with leaders, celebrities and best-selling authors are scheduled six times per year. Topics include leadership, identifying goals, facing challenges, personal growth and successfully transitioning from college to career. Students interact with the speakers via Twitter and Facebook during each broadcast. Students also need to partake in Success Networking Teams (SNTs), Students are assigned to small groups and meet bi-weekly to set goals for future success. Members hold each other accountable using a highly specialized formula proven to produce results. After each meeting, students submit a reflective journal entry online, providing advisors the opportunity to coach and mentor in a format which actively engages students. Finally, you are able to be inducted. Most campuses hold a formal induction ceremony which can be shared with family and friends. At this ceremony, students are presented with their Certificate of Leadership Training honoring their achievement and membership in the NSLS.

Riley stated that her goal as ASMSUN President is to communicate with Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Students about establishing a food pantry on campus. We will be able to provide food to those students who aren't able to always afford it, provide students with food options on the weekend or when food services is not open. We just created a committee at our Senate meeting on Wednesday, December 4th to get ideas rolling on how we can collect money and food, where the food pantry is going to be located at on campus that is easily accessible for on and off campus students. Administration is 100% on board and fully support this project.

Riley is in her senior year at MSU-Northern pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture Operations Technology (AOT) with minors in Small Business Management and Equine Studies, along with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a minor in Business Technology. She has already obtained her Associate of Science degree in Applied Agriculture. Upon completion of her AOT Degree, Riley is planning to apply and obtain a Class 5 Teaching License.

For the last four years, she has had the opportunity to coach St. Jude's Middle School (grades 5th-8th) volleyball team, where she coached the team to a second-place finish at the 9-C District Volleyball Tournament in the 2019 Season. When she is not studying you can find her working at Little Monkeys Daycare as a childcare provider or on the weekends at Family Matters as a Retail Associate. On campus, she is the President for the Associated Students of Montana State University-Northern (ASMSUN), Vice President of Internal Affairs for Montana Associated Students (MAS VIPA), Professional Agriculture Students Secretary (PAS), a member of the Collegiate Stockgrowers Club, and American Association of University Women (AAUW).


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