One Nation, Under God

Malta Armory update and other construction tidbits

The house across the street from the Phillips County Court House was having walls built in the new basement. The new walls they are putting up seem to be made from wood.

Over at the MOI, we have been moving items from our temporary home out on Highway 2 back into the newly refurbished MOI building on 3rd Street. We have spent a lot of time organizing and the general consensus from the MOI clients is that the building is very nice.

Next week, I will go and see how the work on the Snyder House near Malta Elementary is progressing.

As for the new National Guard Armory being built in Malta, I received some news on estimated time the facility will be completed.

"The Malta Readiness Center (the armory) is currently on schedule to be completed in late November of 2020,” said Seth Brandenberger, Project manager. “The building construction consists of pre-cast concrete panels that are manufactured in Missoula and trucked to the site. It is anticipated that all walls for the Readiness Center and the General-Purpose Training Building will be set in place by December 22nd. As the walls are set in place, welders are attaching roof trusses in preparation for insulation, and the final roofing material. As the roofing is completed, the spaces below will be heated so that the floors can be poured, and the finish materials constructed.”

If anyone has any construction news, they would like me to report on, please contact me at 406-654-2533.

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.


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