One Nation, Under God

Malta Rodeo made me homesick

Dear Editor,

I had read the Western Ag Reporter’s article on the Malta rodeo benefit to fight the American Prairie Reserve. I then read what your paper wrote on the event, and for the first time in many years, it made me homesick. I haven’t had a Phillips County address in 20 years, but I have come to an awareness and understanding of how big the battle is regarding freedom, and what threatens that freedom. Crazy people do not scare me. Crazy people with large financial back-ing, that is the thing to fear.

Every breathing person is connected to our ag producers. Not only do our producers have to worry about keeping a beast alive in the negative digits, disease prevention, weather patterns, but now you have to keep your swords sharp when big money appears with their own ideas. Not that you are unfamiliar with being an underdog. Certainly, that moniker is part of the ag producer’s everyday reality. If the Lord wasn’t fighting for you, the future might look bleak, but I trust that He is, and that He is bringing you help from His storehouses.

Cheering for you from the western side of the state,

Jolene (Calk) Crum

P.S. American Prairie Reserve frequently runs “help wanted” ads in the Bozeman Chronicle, and no I have never applied!


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