One Nation, Under God

P.C. 4-H Miscellaneous & Livestock Judging Results

Thirty-nine 4-H members participated in the 4-H Livestock and thirty-seven members participating in the Miscellaneous Judging on October 27th at the Pavilion in Malta. The purpose of the event was to provide youth with the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, decision making, and the ability to verbalize reasonings to a judge. Youth judged livestock classes of heifers (provided by Kip Young), swine (Ryan LaBrie), ewes (Marko Manoukian), goats (Kevin Shettel), rabbits (Bob and Bridgett Ereaux), and poultry (Bob and Bridgett Ereaux). The livestock classes were organized by Milk River Beef Builders 4-H club. Youth then participated in miscellaneous judging with classes consisting of writing utensils, mechanics, baking utensils, gardening tools, vet tools, sewing needles, and woodworking. The miscellaneous judging classes were organized by Rocky Road 4-H club. Thanks to our judges, Marcus Green and Kayla Warren. A huge thank you to the two 4-H clubs for hosting the event, the helpers, and trophy sponsors that made the events possible.

Livestock Judging


1st – Dylan Brown - Trophy Sponsor – Central Avenue Pit Crew

Advanced Junior:

1st – Sandra Sones - Trophy Sponsor – Bank of Malta

Beginning Juniors:

1st – Steeler Blunt - Trophy Sponsor – Hardware Hank of Malta

Miscellaneous Judging


1st – Dre Oshio - Trophy Sponsor – The First State Bank

Advanced Juniors:

1st - Sandra Sones - Trophy Sponsor – Northwest Farm Credit Services

Beginning Juniors:

1st – Danaley Smith - Trophy Sponsor – Independence Bank

The winners will have their pictures published in next week's PCN.


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