One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for November 6, 2019

Turned very cold and of course the wind blew making it seem colder all week. Daylight savings time ended Sunday, clocks were set back one hour.

Snowed a wet snow with big flakes starting about noon on Wednesday. Was all melted by Thursday leaving it just muddy and wet for trick or treaters on Halloween. There were not many out to trick or treat this year but many of the young ones were in costume which was nice to see.

It is nice to have the road past the school down 2nd street to town open again with the new culverts in. Thanks to the county crew for working on it in the cold.

Steve and Judy Henry came from Laurel and Bill and Marilyn Henry from Havre to take their mother Dora out to supper to celebrate her birthday. Then back to Dodson for birthday cake Bill's had brought and a visit. Steve and Judy stayed over to Monday

Polly Solberg went to Hoagland on Sunday for their fall dinner and to visit old friends.

Polly and Dora Henry went to the craft show in Malta Saturday and to the Lutheran church for pie and coffee.

Elaine (Solberg) Brophy and children Katie and Jayden of Glendive visited at the Edward Solberg home on Sunday. Mike and Conner went hunting and Conner got his first deer so was very proud and pleased.

Birthday greetings are sent to Steve Trembley, Halle Williamson, Ryan Lankford, Clayton KillEagle, Virginia Solberg, and all others having a birthday this week. Anniversary congratulations are sent to Steve and Barb Tremblay, Rob and Halle Williamson and Al and Molly Minugh.

You can't assume that kindness is an inherited trait. It is a learned behavior. It is helpful to know the proper way to behave, so one can decide whether or not to be proper.

Have a good week.


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